Holmwood Common – 2nd March 2003
Planner: John Dowty home phone 020 8940 7288 mobile 0771 471 1122
Organiser: Andrew Trimble home phone 020 8715 8036 mobile 07885 062056
Please report to Andrew Trimble in the event centre
Event Centre Procedures
1: Map Sales / Race Bibs
All competitors enter the event centre and go to the map sales / race bibs table first. There is a start list of pre-entered competitors showing which course they are entered on and if they have paid. Tick them off on the start list and collect any money owed. Entry on the day - collect money.
Entry fees: Trail Races (10km and 6km) £5 (or £4 if using own SI card)
Colour Coded £4 senior £2 junior (age under 21 or student)
Maximum entries: 10km 100 6km 50 CC 150
Colour coded competitors are given a blank map. Control descriptions on stage where maps are copied from master maps.
Trail competitors are given a numbered race bib and set of four safety pins. Pre-entered competitors have a pre-allocated bib number shown on the start list. Please make sure they get the right number. 10km race has numbers 1 to 100 and 6km race has 260 to 299. Please write bib number on competitor entry form for entry on the day competitors.
Ask if competitor has an SI card.
Competitors who have an SI card.
A) If they are pre-entered for colour coded and have their own card they next go to the stage to copy their map.
B) If they are pre-entered for the trail race and have an SI card they can go to the start
C) If they are entry on the day they need to go to the opposite table for registration. The right hand queue is for colour coded and the left for trail competitors
Competitors who do NOT have an SI card. Go to next table (SI card hire)
2: SI card hire £1
All competitors without their own SI card hire an SI card
Ask competitor if they have pre-entered.
Pre-entered competitors who have not got their own card will have been pre-allocated an SI card number. Check SI cards against pre-entry start list and tick off. If pre-allocated SI card is missing (or pre-entry competitor who has lost their own card or their own card has not worked in the clear station outside the event centre) hand out new SI card but competitor MUST now go to computer registration
If any entry on the day competitor is using a hired SI card you must write the SI card number and tick the hired box on their entry form. There will be spare entry forms on the table.
Collect £1 from colour coded competitors. Float is shared between map sales and SI hire. Trail competitors (clutching a competitor race bib) have already paid as part of their entry fee.
Pre-entered competitors on colour coded should be sent to the stage to copy their map. Pre-entered trail race competitors can go to the start.
Entry on the day competitors must join queue for computer registration at the table opposite, trail race on the left and colour coded on the right (see diagram).
3: Registration (for Entry on the day competitors or change of details for pre-entry competitors)
Master maps for colour coded courses are set out on the stage for competitors to copy from onto their blank maps. Pens provided.
Loose control descriptions on stage next to master maps.
Help direct flow of competitors to right tables.
Answer questions about courses. See also competitor information notes (Word file 677k)
Show demo control unit and how SI works
Envelopes and pens for DIY results (30p in a tin)
There is an SI check unit outside. One person to direct competitors towards start (800m) and get all competitors to dib in the check unit. If there are any problems with SI cards (they should bleep) please ask them to return to the SI table and hire another card.
The string course is free for all children. The string starts and finishes by the double doors next to the stage. Write list of childrens’ names and ages. Hand out map. Use watch to time them, write number of minutes taken when they have finished, give out sweeties to children, unless parents object. String course open from 9.30am to about 1.30pm or 2pm, depending on demand.
Prize giving will be on the stage between 12.30pm and 1pm.
Move master maps and info table to one side.
Trail competitors get prizes (beer / wine etc) depending on number of entries.
10km – First three / First female / first veteran (M/W45+) / First Junior?
6km – First three / First female / first veteran (M/W45+) / First Junior?
11: Officials
Name |
Role |
begin |
end |
location |
Run |
Park |
Andrew Trimble |
Set up event centre |
Sat 1pm |
Sat 4pm |
Event Centre |
Event Centre |
Don McKerrow |
Set up event centre |
Sat 1pm |
Sat 4pm |
Walk to start |
Event Centre |
Mike Murray |
String / results board |
Sat 3pm |
Sat 4pm |
Event Centre |
Event Centre |
Andrew Trimble |
Set up computers |
7.30am |
8.30am |
Event Centre |
n/a |
Event Centre |
Chris Fry |
Set up computers |
8.00am |
8.30am |
Event Centre |
n/a |
Event Centre |
Chris Fry |
Registration / Problems |
9.00am |
12.00pm |
Event Centre |
n/a |
Event Centre |
Chris Robinson |
Registration |
8.00am |
11am |
Event Centre |
n/a |
Event Centre |
Kate Thomas |
Map sales |
8.30am |
11.45am |
Event Centre |
late |
Event Centre |
Liz Armitage |
Map sales |
8.30am |
11.45am |
Event Centre |
late |
Event Centre |
Ann Marie Kjos |
Map sales |
8.30am |
11.45am |
Event Centre |
late |
Event Centre |
Heather Walton |
SI Card hire |
8.30am |
11.45am |
Event Centre |
late |
Event Centre |
Jackie Chapman |
SI Card hire |
8.30am |
11.30am |
Event Centre |
late |
Event Centre |
Kay Denny |
Information |
8.30am |
11.45am |
Event Centre |
late |
Event Centre |
Judy Fry |
Information |
8.30am |
11.45am |
Event Centre |
late |
Event Centre |
Guy Hiddleston |
Computer download |
10.00am |
12.30pm |
Event Centre |
n/a |
Event Centre |
Ian Hiddleston |
Computer download |
12.30pm |
2pm |
Event Centre |
early |
Event Centre |
Chris Robinson |
Computer download |
11am |
3pm |
Event Centre |
n/a |
Event Centre |
Jeremy Denny |
SI Check (early) |
9.00am |
10.45am |
Event Centre |
11am |
Event Centre |
Ian Hiddleston |
SI Check (late) |
11am |
12.15pm |
Event Centre |
early |
Event Centre |
Anne May |
String Course (early) |
8.00am |
2pm |
Event Centre |
n/a |
Event Centre |
Michael May |
String Course (late) |
8.00am |
2pm |
Event Centre |
9.45am |
Event Centre |
Theresa Turner |
Results pasters |
10am |
12pm |
Event Centre |
late |
Event Centre |
Mark Vyvyan-Robinson |
Results pasters |
12.30pm |
2pm |
Event Centre |
11am |
Event Centre |
Charlie Wetham |
Results pasters |
12.30pm |
2pm |
Event Centre |
11am |
Event Centre |
Andy Robinson |
Prize giving |
12.30pm |
1pm |
Event Centre |
n/a |
Event Centre |
Owen Lindsell |
Clear up |
1pm |
3pm |
Event Centre |
Early |
Event Centre |
12: Timetable of events
0730 Organiser Opens up
0745 Set up computers (2)
0830 Set up map sales (2)
SI card hire (2)
Information / demo SI unit (1)
0830 Computers up and running
0900 Open for business
Computer registration (1)
0930 String course open
1000 Download ready (2)
1100 Results service starts (2)
1145 Registration closes / clear up map sales / master maps / SI hire
1230 Prize giving for Trail race (1) Andy Robinson
1240 Download start unit
1400 Close results service / Collect in string course
1440 Download finish unit / check for missing competitors
1430 Start clearing up event centre and tapes to parking
1600 Event centre locked up
Class |
first |
last |
M80/W80 |
1903 |
to |
1923 |
M75/W75 |
1924 |
to |
1928 |
M70/W70 |
1929 |
to |
1933 |
M65/W65 |
1934 |
to |
1938 |
M60/W60 |
1939 |
to |
1943 |
M55/W55 |
1944 |
to |
1948 |
M50/W50 |
1949 |
to |
1953 |
M45/W45 |
1954 |
to |
1958 |
M40/W40 |
1959 |
to |
1963 |
M35/W35 |
1964 |
to |
1968 |
M21/W21 |
1969 |
to |
1982 |
M20/W20 |
1983 |
to |
1984 |
M18/W18 |
1985 |
to |
1986 |
M16/W16 |
1987 |
to |
1988 |
M14/W16 |
1989 |
to |
1990 |
M12/W12 |
1991 |
to |
1992 |
M10/W10 |
1993 |
to |
2003 |
14: Parking for officials
There is some parking directly outside the event centre for officials only. Come south from Dorking on A24 through South Holmwood, do a U turn at the turn off for Beare Green / Holmwood Station and come back north for about 200m. Take diagonal track up to the left at the bus stop. (see map below for directions)