10: Other computer activities
The left hand computer can be used to deal with problems from about 11:30 when registration starts slowing down. The computer may recognise there is a problem and ask you if you want to store the data for later resolution. Click on yes. Any problems with individual competitors send to the left hand computer, don’t try to sort out in the main queue.
Competitor dibs and card not recognised.
Load Entries / entries. Add new competitor. Dib SI card. If card already exists computer will tell you so. Check details. If competitor not entered put in their details. Could also be because their SI card failed check at start and had to be given a spare SI card. In this case search for the competitor on the entry screen and enter new SI card number manually rather than dibbing.
Make note on sheet who they are as you may end up with a double entry. This may be needed when checking for missing runners.
If all correct and data is saved switch back to On competition day / Read SI cards and dib SI card again. Results should come up correctly this time
Missing competitors
Competition day / More Reports / Missing runners
Do check that there are not double entries on the data base. The missing runners report should be run towards the end of the day, from about 1.30pm and then every 10 minutes or so. Forest team, and controller in particular will want to know this info as soon as it changes.
Double entries
Entries / Entries
If a competitor ends up getting entered twice, delete one entry, but do take care that this is really is a double entry.
Highlight name of entry to be deleted. Edit / delete competitor
Even if you accidentally delete somebody you didn’t mean to you can restore the backup data immediately (PROVIDED BACKUPS HAVE BEEN DONE REGULARLY)
To restore back up data close all entry or competition day windows on all three computers and run on Andrew’s Toshiba laptop
Event / Restore
Missing Control (stolen or damaged and replaced by forest team)
Competition day / replacement controls
Identify which control this was by its number and add code of replacement control. This is a global replace for all courses using that control
Modify control punches or time for individual competitors.
Competition day / evaluate SI cards
These changes may need to be made with authority from the controller / planner / organiser. Drag window out to a bigger size (drag bottom right corner). Scroll through competitors to find individual. Their control punches are shown. Correct punches are shown in black against the control code. Wrong punches are shown in red and missing punches in purple. The start and finish time can also be altered. Click on help in the evaluate SI cards window for more detailed information.
Trail race start is delayed.
Competition day / evaluate SI cards
Should be possible to globally change start time for the two trails races
Checking start times from start unit
Start unit will come back from the start between 12.45 and 1pm. The data needs to be downloaded to check when Colour Coded competitors actually started and if there is someone still missing. The check unit from the CC start box can also be downloaded to see if some was checked in the start box but they forgot to dib in the start unit. It also tells us if any pre-entered competitors have failed to start.
Invert start unit on top of master SI unit and connect together with white cylinder.
Competition day / evaluate SI stations
Open window up fully and check data for any problems
Other hardware, OE2002 network issues – check with Andrew Trimble or Mike Elliot if he is around.