South London Orienteers & Wayfarers

Hill Race & Nower Colour Coded Results

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The Nower

String course

Name Age Minutes
Rosina 6
Anna 7 6
George - 8
Luisso - 8
Robert 9 4
Matt 7 9
Greg 8 5
Tom 12 5
Damien 12 4
Dave 11 4
John 11 5
Andrew 10 6
Sarah 8 9
Kelly 11 6
Alex 7 6
Hariette 13 8

+ Thomas

Sophie 8 10

+ Violet

Bella 3 25

+ Kate

Ellis 6 14
Emma 6 14
Hanna 6 14
James 2 22
Jocelyn 1 27
Joe 4 14
Lucy 2 27
Hannah 6 9
Toby 11 4
Alistair 46 3

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Yellow  (8)                     1.500 km  50 m   8 C             
                                         1(119)  2(120)  3(121)  4(122)  5(123)  6(125)  7(127)  8(128)       F 

    1    21 Cottrell, Andrew (    18:13    4:17    5:06    6:35   12:12   13:36   14:33   16:01   17:20   18:13 
            IND                            4:17    0:49    1:29    5:37    1:24    0:57    1:28    1:19    0:53 
    2    23 Simmons, Rosina (W    18:24    4:22    5:43    7:44   11:00   12:59   14:12   16:03   17:12   18:24 
            GO                             4:22    1:21    2:01    3:16    1:59    1:13    1:51    1:09    1:12 
    3    47 Simmons, George (M    19:25    5:29    6:45    9:37   12:13   14:12   15:49   17:07   18:17   19:25 
            GO                             5:29    1:16    2:52    2:36    1:59    1:37    1:18    1:10    1:08 
    4    14 Saprks, Chrisrina,    27:32    3:54    6:20   10:19   13:04   16:35   18:56   22:58   24:57   27:32 
            MV                             3:54    2:26    3:59    2:45    3:31    2:21    4:02    1:59    2:35 
    5    52 Johnson, Matt (M12    29:12    3:31    5:40    9:19   12:50   15:59   17:25   19:45   22:05   29:12 
            SOS                            3:31    2:09    3:39    3:31    3:09    1:26    2:20    2:20    7:07 
    6    15 Faramery, Karen +4    33:10    4:53    6:48   11:16   14:45   20:40   24:54   28:13   30:27   33:10 
            SLOW                           4:53    1:55    4:28    3:29    5:55    4:14    3:19    2:14    2:43 
    7   103 Singh, Rima (W35)     36:18    4:34    8:02   12:14   17:01   23:39   28:28   31:24   34:19   36:18 
            IND                            4:34    3:28    4:12    4:47    6:38    4:49    2:56    2:55    1:59 

         27 Bishop, P G (M21)        mp    3:59   24:49   -----   -----   -----   -----   -----   -----   27:12            9:49   13:00   15:31   18:01 
            IND                            3:59   20:50                                                    2:23            *121    *122    *123    *125 
                                          20:40   22:28 
                                           *127    *128 

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Orange  (19)                    2.000 km  55 m   11 C            
                                         1(119)  2(120)  3(121)  4(105)  5(124)  6(123)  7(125)  8(126)  9(127) 10(115) 11(128)       F 

    1   109 Humphries,Martin(M    14:23    0:57    1:57    3:41    5:40    7:27    8:06    9:00    9:48   10:23   11:33   13:33   14:23 
            WAOC                           0:57    1:00    1:44    1:59    1:47    0:39    0:54    0:48    0:35    1:10    2:00    0:50 
    2    16 Catmur, David (M14    17:15    2:07    3:16    5:05    7:25    9:39   10:08   10:40   11:56   12:33   13:49   16:31   17:15 
            SLOW                           2:07    1:09    1:49    2:20    2:14    0:29    0:32    1:16    0:37    1:16    2:42    0:44 
    3    20 Street, Greg (M8)     24:13    2:39    3:47    5:52   10:17   12:32   13:30   14:27   16:56   17:55   20:01   23:10   24:13 
            GO                             2:39    1:08    2:05    4:25    2:15    0:58    0:57    2:29    0:59    2:06    3:09    1:03 
    4    51 Woolford, J (M16)     24:35    3:39    4:44    6:37    9:36   12:35   13:25   14:22   16:22   17:18   19:55   22:47   24:35 
            SO                             3:39    1:05    1:53    2:59    2:59    0:50    0:57    2:00    0:56    2:37    2:52    1:48 
    5   104 Olive, Jackie (W45    25:17    3:09    5:10    7:46   13:25   16:06   16:45   17:44   19:13   20:00   21:29   24:14   25:17 
            MV                             3:09    2:01    2:36    5:39    2:41    0:39    0:59    1:29    0:47    1:29    2:45    1:03 
    6    60 Woolford, Paul (M1    26:54    3:46    5:00    7:05   13:00   14:43   15:20   16:14   20:04   20:42   23:33   26:00   26:54 
            SO                             3:46    1:14    2:05    5:55    1:43    0:37    0:54    3:50    0:38    2:51    2:27    0:54 
    7    25 Abrams, Thomas (M1    29:30    4:05    5:25    7:34   13:23   15:39   16:37   17:18   20:27   20:54   22:39   24:49   29:30 
            GO                             4:05    1:20    2:09    5:49    2:16    0:58    0:41    3:09    0:27    1:45    2:10    4:41 
    8    50 Williams, Andrew (    29:55    4:03    5:08    7:07   12:29   16:03   16:59   18:39   21:00   22:12   25:02   27:43   29:55 
            SLOW                           4:03    1:05    1:59    5:22    3:34    0:56    1:40    2:21    1:12    2:50    2:41    2:12 
    9   113 Moore, Phil (M35)     31:32    5:27    6:53    9:19   13:33   17:10   18:21   19:46   23:55   24:43   27:39   30:08   31:32 
            IND                            5:27    1:26    2:26    4:14    3:37    1:11    1:25    4:09    0:48    2:56    2:29    1:24 
   10    18 Lugton, John (M12)    32:52    4:50    6:11    8:56   11:37   13:52   14:50   15:31   24:41   26:20   28:25   31:54   32:52 
            GO                             4:50    1:21    2:45    2:41    2:15    0:58    0:41    9:10    1:39    2:05    3:29    0:58 
   11    19 Otto, Damien (M12)    33:51    3:57    5:00    7:11   11:26   14:28   15:02   15:45   25:45   27:18   29:25   32:56   33:51 
            GO                             3:57    1:03    2:11    4:15    3:02    0:34    0:43   10:00    1:33    2:07    3:31    0:55 
   12    59 Abrrams, David (M1    34:49    4:55    5:57    8:09   12:23   15:29   15:59   16:48   26:39   28:18   30:19   33:52   34:49 
            GO                             4:55    1:02    2:12    4:14    3:06    0:30    0:49    9:51    1:39    2:01    3:33    0:57 
   13    55 Hall, Jenny           36:17    3:18    4:26    6:38   22:17   24:33   25:10   26:03   27:59   28:31   31:14   35:09   36:17 
            IND                            3:18    1:08    2:12   15:39    2:16    0:37    0:53    1:56    0:32    2:43    3:55    1:08 
   14    24 Humphries, Philip     37:10    3:18    4:29    7:17   15:17   17:41   18:14   19:18   26:14   27:14   30:51   34:50   37:10 
            WAOC                           3:18    1:11    2:48    8:00    2:24    0:33    1:04    6:56    1:00    3:37    3:59    2:20 
   15    56 Humphreys, Deborah    41:00    3:34    5:10    8:06   11:49   15:25   16:30   18:28   30:25   31:24   34:42   38:40   41:00 
            MV                             3:34    1:36    2:56    3:43    3:36    1:05    1:58   11:57    0:59    3:18    3:58    2:20 
   16    57 Williams, Mark (M1    42:09    5:03    6:27    8:38   12:08   15:21   15:54   17:05   19:34   20:33   35:19   38:34   42:09 
            SLOW                           5:03    1:24    2:11    3:30    3:13    0:33    1:11    2:29    0:59   14:46    3:15    3:35 
   17    58 Abrams, S (W8)        42:38    4:15    6:02    9:40   17:14   21:46   22:38   24:12   29:26   29:56   35:56   41:26   42:38 
            GO                             4:15    1:47    3:38    7:34    4:32    0:52    1:34    5:14    0:30    6:00    5:30    1:12 
   18    54 Bridge, Louisa (W1    44:38    3:20    4:41    7:16   11:33   15:09   16:15   17:46   21:12   23:23   38:38   43:02   44:38 
            SO                             3:20    1:21    2:35    4:17    3:36    1:06    1:31    3:26    2:11   15:15    4:24    1:36 
   19    53 Morrison family       63:35    4:45    7:08   13:48   23:32   28:34   29:51   32:29   36:53   37:54   56:45   61:02   63:35 
            IND                            4:45    2:23    6:40    9:44    5:02    1:17    2:38    4:24    1:01   18:51    4:17    2:33 

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Green  (88)                     4.000 km  120 m   19 C           
                                         1(101)  2(102)  3(103)  4(104)  5(105)  6(106)  7(107)  8(108)  9(109) 10(110) 11(111) 12(112) 13(113) 14(114) 
                                        15(115) 16(116) 17(126) 18(117) 19(118)       F 

    1    37 Adams, Mark (M35)     39:58    4:46    7:00    7:48    8:57   12:26   16:28   18:37   20:43   22:09   24:35   26:31   27:08   28:57   31:13 
            HH                             4:46    2:14    0:48    1:09    3:29    4:02    2:09    2:06    1:26    2:26    1:56    0:37    1:49    2:16 
                                          31:32   33:04   34:39   37:38   38:54   39:58 
                                           0:19    1:32    1:35    2:59    1:16    1:04 
    2    65 Rowe, Mark (M21)      41:33    5:31    8:01    8:58   10:36   14:02   18:32   20:58   22:48   24:29   27:04   29:10   29:35   31:31   33:33 
            MV                             5:31    2:30    0:57    1:38    3:26    4:30    2:26    1:50    1:41    2:35    2:06    0:25    1:56    2:02 
                                          33:53   35:28   36:53   39:29   40:57   41:33 
                                           0:20    1:35    1:25    2:36    1:28    0:36 
    3    69 Coles,Jon (M21)       42:02    3:59    7:05    7:51    9:22   12:59   17:45   20:08   21:38   23:06   25:47   27:45   28:17   31:43   33:48 
            MV                             3:59    3:06    0:46    1:31    3:37    4:46    2:23    1:30    1:28    2:41    1:58    0:32    3:26    2:05 
                                          34:08   35:51   37:57   39:50   41:19   42:02 
                                           0:20    1:43    2:06    1:53    1:29    0:43 
    4   116 Jenner, Josh (M16)    42:56    4:08    6:44    7:37    9:32   12:08   16:29   18:36   20:06   21:16   23:49   25:51   26:13   28:25   33:51 
            CHIG                           4:08    2:36    0:53    1:55    2:36    4:21    2:07    1:30    1:10    2:33    2:02    0:22    2:12    5:26 
                                          34:03   37:48   39:09   40:41   42:20   42:56           30:49   33:34 
                                           0:12    3:45    1:21    1:32    1:39    0:36            *115    *115 
    5    90 Martin,Peter(M50)     44:23    4:38    7:22    8:26    9:52   13:31   17:55   20:22   22:11   23:53   26:35   28:38   29:15   31:16   34:05 
            SAX                            4:38    2:44    1:04    1:26    3:39    4:24    2:27    1:49    1:42    2:42    2:03    0:37    2:01    2:49 
                                          34:37   38:28   40:00   41:59   43:51   44:23 
                                           0:32    3:51    1:32    1:59    1:52    0:32 
    6    92 Simmons, Gary (M40    45:05    5:20    7:44    8:51   10:08   14:04   19:24   22:15   24:02   25:30   28:32   30:47   31:23   33:37   36:15 
            GO                             5:20    2:24    1:07    1:17    3:56    5:20    2:51    1:47    1:28    3:02    2:15    0:36    2:14    2:38 
                                          36:53   38:40   41:04   43:08   44:34   45:05 
                                           0:38    1:47    2:24    2:04    1:26    0:31 
    7    71 Skinner, Susan (W3    45:39    4:14    6:34    7:17    9:29   13:31   18:25   20:48   22:53   24:38   26:48   29:05   29:44   32:03   35:09 
            SN                             4:14    2:20    0:43    2:12    4:02    4:54    2:23    2:05    1:45    2:10    2:17    0:39    2:19    3:06 
                                          35:30   39:40   41:16   43:32   45:01   45:39 
                                           0:21    4:10    1:36    2:16    1:29    0:38 
    8   110 Jenner, Sam (M16)     45:45    4:55    7:30    8:15   10:14   13:53   19:20   21:29   22:56   24:07   26:36   28:35   29:03   31:18   36:43 
            CHIG                           4:55    2:35    0:45    1:59    3:39    5:27    2:09    1:27    1:11    2:29    1:59    0:28    2:15    5:25 
                                          36:54   40:35   41:58   43:31   45:11   45:45           33:35 
                                           0:11    3:41    1:23    1:33    1:40    0:34            *115 
    9    80 Hickling,Joanne(W3    46:32    4:50    8:19    9:18   10:51   14:55   20:25   23:21   25:59   27:50   30:12   32:39   33:24   35:31   38:04 
            SAX                            4:50    3:29    0:59    1:33    4:04    5:30    2:56    2:38    1:51    2:22    2:27    0:45    2:07    2:33 
                                          38:30   40:16   42:11   44:17   45:57   46:32 
                                           0:26    1:46    1:55    2:06    1:40    0:35 
   10    83 Szarvas,Paul(M35)     47:11    4:42    7:50   10:31   11:40   18:30   22:32   25:00   26:31   27:50   30:16   32:21   33:02   35:02   37:27 
            SLOW                           4:42    3:08    2:41    1:09    6:50    4:02    2:28    1:31    1:19    2:26    2:05    0:41    2:00    2:25 
                                          37:51   39:47   41:45   43:48   46:35   47:11 
                                           0:24    1:56    1:58    2:03    2:47    0:36 
   11    35 McDonald, E (M55)     48:30    5:51    9:16   10:22   12:11   16:27   21:56   24:02   27:04   29:22   31:50   34:07   34:47   36:56   39:49 
            MV                             5:51    3:25    1:06    1:49    4:16    5:29    2:06    3:02    2:18    2:28    2:17    0:40    2:09    2:53 
                                          40:15   42:09   43:55   46:11   47:49   48:30 
                                           0:26    1:54    1:46    2:16    1:38    0:41 
   12   118 Walker, M (M45)       49:34    5:41    8:19    9:52   12:03   16:35   22:06   24:27   26:24   29:21   32:04   34:26   35:16   38:25   41:00 
            MV                             5:41    2:38    1:33    2:11    4:32    5:31    2:21    1:57    2:57    2:43    2:22    0:50    3:09    2:35 
                                          41:31   43:06   44:56   46:58   48:44   49:34 
                                           0:31    1:35    1:50    2:02    1:46    0:50 
   13    91 Bridge,Andy(M45)      49:52    5:18    8:29    9:40   11:34   15:19   20:33   23:08   26:13   28:15   31:03   33:16   33:59   37:47   41:02 
            SO                             5:18    3:11    1:11    1:54    3:45    5:14    2:35    3:05    2:02    2:48    2:13    0:43    3:48    3:15 
                                          41:27   43:26   45:20   47:24   49:03   49:52 
                                           0:25    1:59    1:54    2:04    1:39    0:49 
   14    81 Annila, Ilkka         50:06    7:03   10:50   11:56   13:21   17:32   21:48   24:21   27:28   29:13   31:54   34:34   35:09   37:19   40:19 
            SOC                            7:03    3:47    1:06    1:25    4:11    4:16    2:33    3:07    1:45    2:41    2:40    0:35    2:10    3:00 
                                          40:41   42:21   44:23   46:10   49:00   50:06 
                                           0:22    1:40    2:02    1:47    2:50    1:06 
   15    82 Annila, Rikka (W14    50:15    6:56   11:26   13:17   14:40   18:46   23:39   26:38   28:35   30:12   33:30   35:49   37:24   39:44   42:28 
            SOC                            6:56    4:30    1:51    1:23    4:06    4:53    2:59    1:57    1:37    3:18    2:19    1:35    2:20    2:44 
                                          42:49   44:23   45:56   48:07   49:41   50:15 
                                           0:21    1:34    1:33    2:11    1:34    0:34 
   16    89 Underhill,Dylan(M2    50:20    6:00    9:28   10:44   12:33   17:27   22:01   24:05   27:20   29:20   32:22   34:43   35:23   38:16   41:03 
            DFOK                           6:00    3:28    1:16    1:49    4:54    4:34    2:04    3:15    2:00    3:02    2:21    0:40    2:53    2:47 
                                          41:29   43:15   45:21   47:28   49:38   50:20 
                                           0:26    1:46    2:06    2:07    2:10    0:42 
   17    75 Humphries, Martin     50:35    5:03    8:42    9:46   12:14   16:16   21:36   24:18   26:34   28:19   30:34   33:10   33:49   38:05   40:47 
            WAOC                           5:03    3:39    1:04    2:28    4:02    5:20    2:42    2:16    1:45    2:15    2:36    0:39    4:16    2:42 
                                          41:09   43:03   45:39   48:11   49:49   50:35 
                                           0:22    1:54    2:36    2:32    1:38    0:46 
   18     5 Parmenter, Garry (    51:00    6:23    9:07   10:08   11:36   15:56   20:41   23:16   26:21   29:07   31:44   33:47   34:27   39:36   42:16 
            HAVOC                          6:23    2:44    1:01    1:28    4:20    4:45    2:35    3:05    2:46    2:37    2:03    0:40    5:09    2:40 
                                          42:37   44:20   46:09   48:50   50:17   51:00 
                                           0:21    1:43    1:49    2:41    1:27    0:43 
   19   119 Ling, Simon (M55)     51:37    4:18    7:51    8:44   10:09   14:43   19:32   22:14   24:22   25:59   33:14   35:30   36:18   40:21   42:51 
            MV                             4:18    3:33    0:53    1:25    4:34    4:49    2:42    2:08    1:37    7:15    2:16    0:48    4:03    2:30 
                                          43:21   45:12   47:05   49:19   50:58   51:37 
                                           0:30    1:51    1:53    2:14    1:39    0:39 
   20    79 Smith, Ian (M45)      51:38    4:53    8:08    9:13   10:55   14:20   19:05   21:38   24:19   26:07   28:18   30:50   31:29   38:36   42:20 
            WAOC                           4:53    3:15    1:05    1:42    3:25    4:45    2:33    2:41    1:48    2:11    2:32    0:39    7:07    3:44 
                                          42:43   44:30   46:50   49:00   50:40   51:38 
                                           0:23    1:47    2:20    2:10    1:40    0:58 
   21    61 Gristwood, Philip     51:45    6:00    8:35    9:29   11:03   15:03   19:54   22:43   27:41   29:12   31:20   33:28   34:11   39:51   42:44 
            MV                             6:00    2:35    0:54    1:34    4:00    4:51    2:49    4:58    1:31    2:08    2:08    0:43    5:40    2:53 
                                          43:07   45:01   46:58   49:16   50:49   51:45 
                                           0:23    1:54    1:57    2:18    1:33    0:56 
   22    88 Poole,Anne(W35)       53:03    4:32    7:20    8:11   11:24   15:18   20:30   24:06   26:23   28:45   32:07   34:53   35:37   41:16   44:07 
            CROC                           4:32    2:48    0:51    3:13    3:54    5:12    3:36    2:17    2:22    3:22    2:46    0:44    5:39    2:51 
                                          44:51   46:54   48:41   50:45   52:24   53:03 
                                           0:44    2:03    1:47    2:04    1:39    0:39 
   23    41 Parker, Luke (M14)    53:05    7:43   10:41   11:23   16:25   19:31   24:12   27:06   30:09   31:55   34:26   36:55   37:33   39:39   41:55 
            SO                             7:43    2:58    0:42    5:02    3:06    4:41    2:54    3:03    1:46    2:31    2:29    0:38    2:06    2:16 
                                          43:02   45:32   48:17   50:46   52:04   53:05 
                                           1:07    2:30    2:45    2:29    1:18    1:01 
   24   115 Tant, Hazel (W16)     53:23    4:57    9:31   10:39   12:22   16:36   22:39   25:19   28:01   29:39   32:50   35:49   36:36   38:27   41:46 
            SOS                            4:57    4:34    1:08    1:43    4:14    6:03    2:40    2:42    1:38    3:11    2:59    0:47    1:51    3:19 
                                          42:11   44:58   47:58   50:25   52:04   53:23 
                                           0:25    2:47    3:00    2:27    1:39    1:19 
   25    36 Elliott, Gerry (M5    53:37    6:05    9:51   10:43   12:41   17:18   22:11   25:07   27:30   29:06   31:37   34:18   34:53   37:00   39:54 
            HH                             6:05    3:46    0:52    1:58    4:37    4:53    2:56    2:23    1:36    2:31    2:41    0:35    2:07    2:54 
                                          41:16   43:27   46:37   50:14   52:07   53:37 
                                           1:22    2:11    3:10    3:37    1:53    1:30 
   26    76 Cheeseman,M(M21)      53:50    6:45    9:50   10:59   12:40   16:20   20:50   22:56   24:43   30:41   34:03   36:08   36:45   39:39   42:12 
            MV                             6:45    3:05    1:09    1:41    3:40    4:30    2:06    1:47    5:58    3:22    2:05    0:37    2:54    2:33 
                                          42:33   45:15   47:45   51:19   53:11   53:50 
                                           0:21    2:42    2:30    3:34    1:52    0:39 
   27    39 Saker, Nigel (M50)    54:11    5:11    8:23    9:32   12:13   15:45   20:48   23:31   25:53   28:02   31:09   35:56   36:41   39:39   42:24 
            SLOW                           5:11    3:12    1:09    2:41    3:32    5:03    2:43    2:22    2:09    3:07    4:47    0:45    2:58    2:45 
                                          42:52   46:00   48:42   51:00   53:30   54:11 
                                           0:28    3:08    2:42    2:18    2:30    0:41 
   28    45 Birdseye, Gregg (M    54:17    5:12    9:18   10:28   12:10   16:59   22:19   25:10   27:38   29:50   33:05   35:27   36:08   39:52   42:30 
            LOK                            5:12    4:06    1:10    1:42    4:49    5:20    2:51    2:28    2:12    3:15    2:22    0:41    3:44    2:38 
                                          43:06   45:30   48:45   51:44   53:36   54:17 
                                           0:36    2:24    3:15    2:59    1:52    0:41 
   29    93 Morrison,Andy(M40)    54:26    6:14    9:09   10:06   12:04   16:30   23:29   26:39   29:33   31:29   33:51   36:23   36:59   39:27   44:27 
            SLOW                           6:14    2:55    0:57    1:58    4:26    6:59    3:10    2:54    1:56    2:22    2:32    0:36    2:28    5:00 
                                          45:00   46:56   49:23   51:46   53:44   54:26 
                                           0:33    1:56    2:27    2:23    1:58    0:42 
   30    74 Snepp,J(M50)          55:05    6:05    8:24    9:25   11:25   21:02   26:02   28:30   31:07   32:45   36:07   39:25   40:14   42:14   46:01 
            SAX                            6:05    2:19    1:01    2:00    9:37    5:00    2:28    2:37    1:38    3:22    3:18    0:49    2:00    3:47 
                                          46:16   48:25   50:15   52:43   54:10   55:05 
                                           0:15    2:09    1:50    2:28    1:27    0:55 
   31    66 Woolford, C (M45)     55:06    5:22    8:54    9:53   14:01   19:30   25:25   27:52   29:48   33:01   36:38   39:11   39:53   42:47   46:04 
            SO                             5:22    3:32    0:59    4:08    5:29    5:55    2:27    1:56    3:13    3:37    2:33    0:42    2:54    3:17 
                                          46:41   48:15   50:07   52:36   54:13   55:06 
                                           0:37    1:34    1:52    2:29    1:37    0:53 
   32    94 Walton,Heather(W35    56:00    5:08   10:04   11:33   13:07   17:53   24:14   27:33   30:19   32:20   35:41   38:02   38:56   41:18   44:12 
            SLOW                           5:08    4:56    1:29    1:34    4:46    6:21    3:19    2:46    2:01    3:21    2:21    0:54    2:22    2:54 
                                          44:33   49:23   51:01   53:42   55:23   56:00 
                                           0:21    4:50    1:38    2:41    1:41    0:37 
   33     7 Grant, Julianna (W    57:01    6:16   11:04   12:07   14:31   19:00   24:53   28:33   30:59   33:21   37:08   39:55   40:42   43:31   46:30 
            MV                             6:16    4:48    1:03    2:24    4:29    5:53    3:40    2:26    2:22    3:47    2:47    0:47    2:49    2:59 
                                          47:01   49:00   51:08   53:32   55:14   57:01 
                                           0:31    1:59    2:08    2:24    1:42    1:47 
   34    38 Williams, Karen       58:56   11:09   14:23   15:46   17:51   22:22   28:11   31:45   34:49   36:35   39:18   41:52   42:40   44:45   47:26 
            SN                            11:09    3:14    1:23    2:05    4:31    5:49    3:34    3:04    1:46    2:43    2:34    0:48    2:05    2:41 
                                          47:52   50:07   52:13   55:20   57:28   58:56 
                                           0:26    2:15    2:06    3:07    2:08    1:28 
   35     1 Baker, Chris (M65)    59:31    7:32   12:03   14:22   16:05   20:39   26:30   29:48   33:12   35:27   38:48   41:56   42:50   45:54   49:27 
            DFOK                           7:32    4:31    2:19    1:43    4:34    5:51    3:18    3:24    2:15    3:21    3:08    0:54    3:04    3:33 
                                          50:15   52:24   54:21   57:03   58:55   59:31 
                                           0:48    2:09    1:57    2:42    1:52    0:36 
   36    98 Brett, Kate (W35)     60:05    5:18    8:40    9:46   11:38   16:43   25:15   28:36   30:57   33:03   37:00   39:52   40:42   44:32   47:42 
            LOK                            5:18    3:22    1:06    1:52    5:05    8:32    3:21    2:21    2:06    3:57    2:52    0:50    3:50    3:10 
                                          48:08   51:44   54:27   56:56   59:12   60:05 
                                           0:26    3:36    2:43    2:29    2:16    0:53 
   37   105 Lister, Dustin (M2    60:54    5:21    9:06   10:27   12:12   17:26   22:56   25:09   27:28   29:24   32:42   36:26   37:09   39:10   41:45 
            SLOW                           5:21    3:45    1:21    1:45    5:14    5:30    2:13    2:19    1:56    3:18    3:44    0:43    2:01    2:35 
                                          42:17   54:04   56:19   58:25   60:19   60:54           34:26 
                                           0:32   11:47    2:15    2:06    1:54    0:35            *113 
   38     2 Nixon, Mary (W50)     61:19    8:11   12:56   14:02   16:27   22:26   28:12   30:30   32:59   34:56   38:08   41:03   42:04   44:15   48:51 
            SOC                            8:11    4:45    1:06    2:25    5:59    5:46    2:18    2:29    1:57    3:12    2:55    1:01    2:11    4:36 
                                          49:06   53:35   55:46   58:29   60:36   61:19           47:40 
                                           0:15    4:29    2:11    2:43    2:07    0:43            *115 
   39    67 Spence, John (M65)    62:18    6:21   10:11   11:28   14:16   21:22   27:28   30:12   32:49   35:31   38:17   40:55   41:44   44:30   48:12 
            TVOC                           6:21    3:50    1:17    2:48    7:06    6:06    2:44    2:37    2:42    2:46    2:38    0:49    2:46    3:42 
                                          48:48   53:48   55:49   60:00   61:44   62:18 
                                           0:36    5:00    2:01    4:11    1:44    0:34 
   40    70 Stenson,J (M35)       64:40    7:48   11:19   13:23   16:50   22:18   28:25   31:27   34:01   35:49   38:30   43:33   44:14   48:12   51:32 
            IND                            7:48    3:31    2:04    3:27    5:28    6:07    3:02    2:34    1:48    2:41    5:03    0:41    3:58    3:20 
                                          51:45   54:19   56:24   61:50   63:37   64:40 
                                           0:13    2:34    2:05    5:26    1:47    1:03 
   41    63 Jackson, Martin (M    65:00    6:02   11:55   13:24   15:39   24:29   31:28   34:34   37:48   39:47   42:59   45:39   46:25   49:36   52:57 
            SN                             6:02    5:53    1:29    2:15    8:50    6:59    3:06    3:14    1:59    3:12    2:40    0:46    3:11    3:21 
                                          53:26   55:42   59:18   62:06   64:04   65:00 
                                           0:29    2:16    3:36    2:48    1:58    0:56 
   42   114 Tant, Clive (M45)     65:05    5:55   22:51   24:28   26:57   30:23   35:40   38:18   40:13   42:01   44:37   48:34   49:08   50:37   53:08 
            SOS                            5:55   16:56    1:37    2:29    3:26    5:17    2:38    1:55    1:48    2:36    3:57    0:34    1:29    2:31 
                                          53:27   57:34   60:40   62:44   64:13   65:05 
                                           0:19    4:07    3:06    2:04    1:29    0:52 
   43    97 Robb,Vicky(W21)       65:12    5:42   10:27   12:05   14:19   20:12   28:29   32:11   34:46   36:53   40:47   43:15   44:07   52:10   55:39 
            SLOW                           5:42    4:45    1:38    2:14    5:53    8:17    3:42    2:35    2:07    3:54    2:28    0:52    8:03    3:29 
                                          56:06   58:34   60:29   62:50   64:32   65:12 
                                           0:27    2:28    1:55    2:21    1:42    0:40 
   44    12 Wilson, Ian (M50)     65:39    8:45   11:26   12:29   14:30   22:58   29:06   32:14   35:07   38:17   41:43   45:06   45:57   48:23   52:07 
            SAX                            8:45    2:41    1:03    2:01    8:28    6:08    3:08    2:53    3:10    3:26    3:23    0:51    2:26    3:44 
                                          52:35   57:59   60:03   62:39   64:50   65:39 
                                           0:28    5:24    2:04    2:36    2:11    0:49 
   45    62 Sparks, G (M40)       65:40    5:37   10:46   14:16   15:44   19:28   24:55   29:12   33:25   35:43   39:28   41:57   42:38   48:05   52:41 
            MV                             5:37    5:09    3:30    1:28    3:44    5:27    4:17    4:13    2:18    3:45    2:29    0:41    5:27    4:36 
                                          52:59   55:05   58:05   62:40   64:57   65:40 
                                           0:18    2:06    3:00    4:35    2:17    0:43 
   46   111 Sellens, Katie (W1    66:10   13:29   17:10   18:52   21:43   27:30   33:24   37:00   40:08   42:17   45:17   48:29   49:49   53:25   56:15 
            SOS                           13:29    3:41    1:42    2:51    5:47    5:54    3:36    3:08    2:09    3:00    3:12    1:20    3:36    2:50 
                                          56:50   58:57   61:07   63:27   65:15   66:10 
                                           0:35    2:07    2:10    2:20    1:48    0:55 
   47    32 Baldwin, R (M55)      66:31    5:33    9:14   10:34   12:38   17:28   24:39   28:01   31:53   34:38   38:41   41:36   42:29   45:33   48:59 
            TVOC                           5:33    3:41    1:20    2:04    4:50    7:11    3:22    3:52    2:45    4:03    2:55    0:53    3:04    3:26 
                                          49:25   56:53   59:41   63:25   65:42   66:31 
                                           0:26    7:28    2:48    3:44    2:17    0:49 
   48    29 Springett, C (W40)    67:03    6:20   10:30   12:16   14:46   23:16   30:44   34:17   37:21   40:08   43:29   46:24   48:59   51:30   55:20 
            BKO                            6:20    4:10    1:46    2:30    8:30    7:28    3:33    3:04    2:47    3:21    2:55    2:35    2:31    3:50 
                                          55:53   58:32   61:01   63:55   66:13   67:03 
                                           0:33    2:39    2:29    2:54    2:18    0:50 
   48   106 Ashworth, Alex (M3    67:03    6:03    9:51   13:40   17:16   22:06   28:45   30:44   33:36   35:29   39:21   41:52   42:22   52:10   56:21 
            SLOW                           6:03    3:48    3:49    3:36    4:50    6:39    1:59    2:52    1:53    3:52    2:31    0:30    9:48    4:11 
                                          56:51   60:11   61:58   63:57   66:19   67:03 
                                           0:30    3:20    1:47    1:59    2:22    0:44 
   50    49 Thomas, David (M65    68:50    9:12   13:21   14:41   16:50   23:14   29:38   33:00   36:27   38:37   43:12   46:13   47:25   50:13   54:46 
            SN                             9:12    4:09    1:20    2:09    6:24    6:24    3:22    3:27    2:10    4:35    3:01    1:12    2:48    4:33 
                                          57:40   59:55   62:46   65:29   67:48   68:50 
                                           2:54    2:15    2:51    2:43    2:19    1:02 
   51    95 Simmons, Deborah (    69:33    8:34   16:45   17:49   20:10   24:52   29:44   33:21   37:18   39:23   43:12   46:07   46:58   50:23   53:28 
            GO                             8:34    8:11    1:04    2:21    4:42    4:52    3:37    3:57    2:05    3:49    2:55    0:51    3:25    3:05 
                                          53:46   61:51   63:57   66:21   68:20   69:33 
                                           0:18    8:05    2:06    2:24    1:59    1:13 
   52    72 Lugton, Barbara (W    70:25    9:08   12:29   13:21   15:09   20:13   28:15   32:20   35:50   39:59   44:09   48:48   49:22   51:47   55:44 
            GO                             9:08    3:21    0:52    1:48    5:04    8:02    4:05    3:30    4:09    4:10    4:39    0:34    2:25    3:57 
                                          56:03   58:19   61:38   67:01   69:19   70:25 
                                           0:19    2:16    3:19    5:23    2:18    1:06 
   53    11 Woodward, Jennifer    70:32    6:58   13:19   14:33   17:52   22:31   28:18   30:53   35:59   40:57   43:52   47:03   49:46   52:05   56:13 
            CHIG                           6:58    6:21    1:14    3:19    4:39    5:47    2:35    5:06    4:58    2:55    3:11    2:43    2:19    4:08 
                                          56:49   59:41   62:06   65:27   69:40   70:32 
                                           0:36    2:52    2:25    3:21    4:13    0:52 
   54    42 Hale, Ken (M70)       71:04    9:16   13:01   15:11   17:17   22:14   28:29   31:49   39:29   41:43   44:37   48:02   49:03   51:37   55:09 
            SAX                            9:16    3:45    2:10    2:06    4:57    6:15    3:20    7:40    2:14    2:54    3:25    1:01    2:34    3:32 
                                          55:50   60:08   62:14   67:18   69:56   71:04 
                                           0:41    4:18    2:06    5:04    2:38    1:08 
   55     3 Pennington,J (M55)    72:14    6:24   14:46   15:54   18:24   23:58   30:15   34:03   38:57   41:05   45:24   48:09   48:54   55:57   59:14 
            SOC                            6:24    8:22    1:08    2:30    5:34    6:17    3:48    4:54    2:08    4:19    2:45    0:45    7:03    3:17 
                                          59:43   65:02   66:58   69:11   71:17   72:14 
                                           0:29    5:19    1:56    2:13    2:06    0:57 
   56    85 Ducker,Adrian(M21)    72:35    8:39   15:31   16:26   18:04   23:10   30:26   34:14   39:29   41:25   44:19   51:43   52:12   54:59   60:26 
            SLOW                           8:39    6:52    0:55    1:38    5:06    7:16    3:48    5:15    1:56    2:54    7:24    0:29    2:47    5:27 
                                          60:56   64:03   66:17   69:30   71:22   72:35 
                                           0:30    3:07    2:14    3:13    1:52    1:13 
   57    99 McKerrow,Ali(W16)     75:22    5:46   13:21   14:55   17:21   26:16   32:36   36:26   40:05   42:08   45:45   48:55   49:41   52:47   56:39 
            SLOW                           5:46    7:35    1:34    2:26    8:55    6:20    3:50    3:39    2:03    3:37    3:10    0:46    3:06    3:52 
                                          57:12   60:48   65:25   68:21   74:29   75:22           70:40 
                                           0:33    3:36    4:37    2:56    6:08    0:53            *119 
   58    46 Docker, Peter(M35)    75:29   14:43   18:05   20:25   25:44   31:10   38:09   41:03   43:43   45:28   48:08   50:40   51:19   53:25   57:19 
            RAFO                          14:43    3:22    2:20    5:19    5:26    6:59    2:54    2:40    1:45    2:40    2:32    0:39    2:06    3:54 
                                          57:33   59:16   70:45   73:03   74:51   75:29 
                                           0:14    1:43   11:29    2:18    1:48    0:38 
   59   108 Wilson, Sam (M20)     75:36   10:36   15:56   17:12   20:51   24:58   31:01   33:29   36:08   38:19   41:29   45:31   46:15   51:42   53:59 
            IND                           10:36    5:20    1:16    3:39    4:07    6:03    2:28    2:39    2:11    3:10    4:02    0:44    5:27    2:17 
                                          54:23   66:59   68:52   71:08   74:51   75:36 
                                           0:24   12:36    1:53    2:16    3:43    0:45 
   60    34 Baldwin, Bobbie (W    75:48    7:59   12:40   14:07   16:39   21:44   29:27   34:10   37:06   39:49   43:52   47:50   48:53   54:15   59:28 
            TVOC                           7:59    4:41    1:27    2:32    5:05    7:43    4:43    2:56    2:43    4:03    3:58    1:03    5:22    5:13 
                                          60:05   63:54   68:28   72:24   74:38   75:48 
                                           0:37    3:49    4:34    3:56    2:14    1:10 
   61    87 Humphreys,P(M50)      76:12    9:41   16:12   17:50   26:24   32:30   39:24   42:13   45:31   47:41   51:06   54:08   55:00   59:25   64:06 
            MV                             9:41    6:31    1:38    8:34    6:06    6:54    2:49    3:18    2:10    3:25    3:02    0:52    4:25    4:41 
                                          64:55   67:27   70:23   73:35   75:30   76:12 
                                           0:49    2:32    2:56    3:12    1:55    0:42 
   62    30 Booth, Tim (M45)      78:00    5:30   10:48   12:12   15:08   22:01   30:08   34:49   38:20   40:47   44:12   47:32   48:33   56:06   62:42 
            BKO                            5:30    5:18    1:24    2:56    6:53    8:07    4:41    3:31    2:27    3:25    3:20    1:01    7:33    6:36 
                                          63:01   65:47   71:30   74:40   77:07   78:00 
                                           0:19    2:46    5:43    3:10    2:27    0:53 
   63    64 Capeling, John ( M    78:56   11:48   15:48   18:27   22:02   28:00   34:44   37:58   41:15   44:33   48:08   52:43   54:08   57:20   62:43 
            SAX                           11:48    4:00    2:39    3:35    5:58    6:44    3:14    3:17    3:18    3:35    4:35    1:25    3:12    5:23 
                                          63:17   66:54   70:10   75:16   78:00   78:56 
                                           0:34    3:37    3:16    5:06    2:44    0:56 
   64    17 Hale, Gordon (M14)    79:56    9:44   15:38   16:33   18:34   24:05   34:13   37:45   41:07   44:11   46:57   53:20   53:54   59:07   62:10 
            GRAMP                          9:44    5:54    0:55    2:01    5:31   10:08    3:32    3:22    3:04    2:46    6:23    0:34    5:13    3:03 
                                          62:47   67:11   69:39   76:56   78:53   79:56 
                                           0:37    4:24    2:28    7:17    1:57    1:03 
   65    44 Stedman, Margaret     81:01    7:14   12:28   14:15   16:53   23:00   31:12   34:10   39:22   42:31   46:32   49:29   50:40   55:27   60:44 
            MV                             7:14    5:14    1:47    2:38    6:07    8:12    2:58    5:12    3:09    4:01    2:57    1:11    4:47    5:17 
                                          61:15   63:39   70:15   74:30   79:35   81:01 
                                           0:31    2:24    6:36    4:15    5:05    1:26 
   66    68 Spence,Mary (W45)     81:41    8:03   12:36   14:22   17:27   24:52   35:07   38:38   42:07   45:04   49:41   52:56   53:49   60:41   65:20 
            TVOC                           8:03    4:33    1:46    3:05    7:25   10:15    3:31    3:29    2:57    4:37    3:15    0:53    6:52    4:39 
                                          65:38   68:50   75:15   78:20   80:42   81:41 
                                           0:18    3:12    6:25    3:05    2:22    0:59 
   67    84 Johnson,Emma(W14)     83:00    7:08   14:26   16:25   19:32   25:21   33:26   36:38   40:12   43:41   47:31   51:12   53:12   56:23   60:56 
            SOS                            7:08    7:18    1:59    3:07    5:49    8:05    3:12    3:34    3:29    3:50    3:41    2:00    3:11    4:33 
                                          61:59   69:06   74:51   78:48   81:57   83:00 
                                           1:03    7:07    5:45    3:57    3:09    1:03 
   68    10 Van den Berg , J (    84:48    9:21   15:18   17:12   20:42   28:19   36:36   40:11   46:04   49:31   54:23   59:17   61:20   67:49   74:33 
            BAOC                           9:21    5:57    1:54    3:30    7:37    8:17    3:35    5:53    3:27    4:52    4:54    2:03    6:29    6:44 
                                          75:01   77:17   79:27   82:08   83:54   84:48 
                                           0:28    2:16    2:10    2:41    1:46    0:54 
   69    43 Hale, Dorothy (W70    87:11    9:38   13:59   16:44   19:40   25:34   33:09   36:43   42:01   44:30   48:17   53:33   54:30   64:08   67:34 
            SAX                            9:38    4:21    2:45    2:56    5:54    7:35    3:34    5:18    2:29    3:47    5:16    0:57    9:38    3:26 
                                          68:10   77:23   80:30   83:30   86:04   87:11 
                                           0:36    9:13    3:07    3:00    2:34    1:07 
   70     4 Blake, J (M75)        88:17   14:12   20:29   22:00   25:55   33:21   40:53   44:50   47:47   51:28   56:02   60:56   62:08   66:12   70:43 
            MV                            14:12    6:17    1:31    3:55    7:26    7:32    3:57    2:57    3:41    4:34    4:54    1:12    4:04    4:31 
                                          71:24   74:44   77:47   81:47   86:45   88:17 
                                           0:41    3:20    3:03    4:00    4:58    1:32 
   71    26 Partington, John (    95:16   14:54   19:41   21:29   24:01   31:32   39:37   43:21   47:11   49:59   55:32   64:04   64:59   69:26   73:36 
            GO                            14:54    4:47    1:48    2:32    7:31    8:05    3:44    3:50    2:48    5:33    8:32    0:55    4:27    4:10 
                                          74:04   86:45   89:16   92:13   94:31   95:16 
                                           0:28   12:41    2:31    2:57    2:18    0:45 
   72    33 Hart, Steve (M16)    100:26   14:21   18:36   26:45   28:57   35:16   43:15   47:06   56:11   58:28   63:05   71:10   72:18   75:35   80:42 
            BKO                           14:21    4:15    8:09    2:12    6:19    7:59    3:51    9:05    2:17    4:37    8:05    1:08    3:17    5:07 
                                          81:15   84:07   92:39   95:30   98:40  100:26 
                                           0:33    2:52    8:32    2:51    3:10    1:46 
   73    48 Phillips, J (W50)    101:32   14:01   19:07   20:25   23:32   29:16   39:42   44:03   48:47   51:16   55:42   63:08   64:04   67:38   72:27 
            GO                            14:01    5:06    1:18    3:07    5:44   10:26    4:21    4:44    2:29    4:26    7:26    0:56    3:34    4:49 
                                          73:56   82:33   88:12   91:09   99:13  101:32 
                                           1:29    8:37    5:39    2:57    8:04    2:19 
   74    28 Parker, Sue (W60)    105:45   18:25   23:38   24:45   27:51   33:02   44:04   48:23   53:05   55:35   60:01   67:25   68:26   71:57   76:52 
            SO                            18:25    5:13    1:07    3:06    5:11   11:02    4:19    4:42    2:30    4:26    7:24    1:01    3:31    4:55 
                                          78:15   86:51   92:26   95:29  103:23  105:45 
                                           1:23    8:36    5:35    3:03    7:54    2:22 
   75    31 Greaves, John (M60   108:01   15:45   21:46   24:17   28:00   35:26   46:26   51:52   55:04   59:32   76:28   81:13   82:18   87:21   92:30 
            TVOC                          15:45    6:01    2:31    3:43    7:26   11:00    5:26    3:12    4:28   16:56    4:45    1:05    5:03    5:09 
                                          93:13   96:08   99:37  103:09  106:37  108:01 
                                           0:43    2:55    3:29    3:32    3:28    1:24 
   76    77 Mealin, A (M35)      108:53    9:56   17:16   18:51   22:39   33:44   43:23   48:12   51:52   56:16   61:49   67:15   68:34   73:26   78:02 
            IND                            9:56    7:20    1:35    3:48   11:05    9:39    4:49    3:40    4:24    5:33    5:26    1:19    4:52    4:36 
                                          78:52   84:52   94:07  102:14  106:38  108:53 
                                           0:50    6:00    9:15    8:07    4:24    2:15 
   77    86 Lindop, Tom          110:49   18:14   22:36   24:02   26:13   30:24   37:55   40:11   43:26   45:52   49:19   57:57   58:52   60:53   65:11 
            IND                           18:14    4:22    1:26    2:11    4:11    7:31    2:16    3:15    2:26    3:27    8:38    0:55    2:01    4:18 
                                          65:30  100:25  103:07  105:38  109:12  110:49 
                                           0:19   34:55    2:42    2:31    3:34    1:37 
   78   112 Tant, Nina (W14)     116:43   31:03   34:49   36:25   39:52   46:54   58:12   62:57   68:52   72:47   78:00   83:43   84:52   88:32   92:52 
            SOS                           31:03    3:46    1:36    3:27    7:02   11:18    4:45    5:55    3:55    5:13    5:43    1:09    3:40    4:20 
                                          93:09  103:03  106:18  109:59  114:25  116:43 
                                           0:17    9:54    3:15    3:41    4:26    2:18 
   79   102 Jones, G             123:38   11:23   20:34   22:52   28:31   39:01   52:55   60:57   69:17   74:41   87:33   94:51   96:07  102:06  108:03 
            IND                           11:23    9:11    2:18    5:39   10:30   13:54    8:02    8:20    5:24   12:52    7:18    1:16    5:59    5:57 
                                         108:48  112:47  116:18  120:02  122:25  123:38 
                                           0:45    3:59    3:31    3:44    2:23    1:13 
   80   100 Gray, M +1(W60)      131:44   12:18   24:43   27:27   35:53   50:13   63:50   70:06   75:26   81:16   87:03   94:12   96:18  100:23  109:19 
            IND                           12:18   12:25    2:44    8:26   14:20   13:37    6:16    5:20    5:50    5:47    7:09    2:06    4:05    8:56 
                                         110:03  115:44  120:37  125:48  129:27  131:44 
                                           0:44    5:41    4:53    5:11    3:39    2:17 

          9 Thomas, Kate (W40)       mp    9:51   15:06   16:24   -----   27:50   34:40   38:22   -----   43:16   47:06   50:38   51:38   55:38   59:12 
            SLOW                           9:51    5:15    1:18           11:26    6:50    3:42            4:54    3:50    3:32    1:00    4:00    3:34 
                                          59:41   62:13   64:12   67:03   69:26   70:40           40:29 
                                           0:29    2:32    1:59    2:51    2:23    1:14            *113 
         40 Mills, Joan (W55)        mp    8:11   12:42   13:53   16:23   23:51   30:30   34:06   36:44   39:34   48:02   56:46   -----   64:15   ----- 
            SAX                            8:11    4:31    1:11    2:30    7:28    6:39    3:36    2:38    2:50    8:28    8:44            7:29 
                                          70:28   72:34   74:44   77:09   79:27   80:20           51:47 
                                           6:13    2:06    2:10    2:25    2:18    0:53            *112 
         96 Moffat,SA(M45)           mp    9:41   15:24   16:41   18:56   23:17   29:53   32:16   36:54   39:09   43:24   46:47   47:34   52:03   57:00 
            IND                            9:41    5:43    1:17    2:15    4:21    6:36    2:23    4:38    2:15    4:15    3:23    0:47    4:29    4:57 
                                          57:38   61:27   66:46   70:44   -----   73:57           72:20 
                                           0:38    3:49    5:19    3:58            3:13            *119 
        101 Singh, R (W35)           mp   13:45   37:11   40:11   50:18   57:59   71:53   79:55   91:49   97:06  103:18  114:55  116:03  135:04  139:03 
            IND                           13:45   23:26    3:00   10:07    7:41   13:54    8:02   11:54    5:17    6:12   11:37    1:08   19:01    3:59 
                                         139:49  145:48   -----   -----   -----  161:43           61:17 
                                           0:46    5:59                           15:55            *112 
        107 Kirk, David              mp   14:57   18:36   19:32   21:38   26:31   31:48   34:04   36:06   49:05   51:23   54:41   55:09   61:28   64:02 
            IND                           14:57    3:39    0:56    2:06    4:53    5:17    2:16    2:02   12:59    2:18    3:18    0:28    6:19    2:34 
                                          64:25   -----   -----   -----   -----   90:01 
                                           0:23                                   25:36 
        117 West, Ros (W50)          mp    6:58   13:47   15:18   21:59   27:56   36:00   39:32   42:57   47:02   52:30   55:55   56:43   66:05   ----- 
            CHIG                           6:58    6:49    1:31    6:41    5:57    8:04    3:32    3:25    4:05    5:28    3:25    0:48    9:22 
                                          -----   -----   -----   -----   -----   77:53 
  n/c    73 Robinson,Andy (M45    34:04    3:20    5:33    6:21    7:31   10:42   14:40   16:38   18:03   19:26   21:19   23:21   23:55   25:33   27:40 
            SLOW                           3:20    2:13    0:48    1:10    3:11    3:58    1:58    1:25    1:23    1:53    2:02    0:34    1:38    2:07 
                                          27:56   29:25   30:34   32:14   33:28   34:04 
                                           0:16    1:29    1:09    1:40    1:14    0:36 
  n/c    13 Turner, Charlie (M    34:11    4:24    6:48    7:29    8:35   12:20   15:46   17:35   19:04   20:15   21:52   23:34   24:10   25:30   27:29 
            SLOW                           4:24    2:24    0:41    1:06    3:45    3:26    1:49    1:29    1:11    1:37    1:42    0:36    1:20    1:59 
                                          27:44   29:09   30:25   32:12   33:25   34:11 
                                           0:15    1:25    1:16    1:47    1:13    0:46 

[Back to top]

Short "C" 7 mile Hill Race

Short 7 Miles  (33)            12.200 km   6 C                   
                                         1(102)  2(103)  3(104)  4(110)  5(111)  6(112)       F 

    1     7 Gristwood, Graham     53:08    5:40   21:08   27:37   33:29   46:51   50:43   53:08 
            MV                             5:40   15:28    6:29    5:52   13:22    3:52    2:25 
    2    46 Nixon, Ian            55:18    5:45   22:09   29:08   35:41   49:20   53:32   55:18 
            SOC                            5:45   16:24    6:59    6:33   13:39    4:12    1:46 
    3    70 Campbell, J           56:33    6:02   22:15   28:53   35:44   50:16   54:05   56:33           53:56 
            GO                             6:02   16:13    6:38    6:51   14:32    3:49    2:28            *123 
    4    21 Clark, Dick           56:58    6:50   20:42   28:13   35:11   50:42   54:58   56:58 
            SLOW                           6:50   13:52    7:31    6:58   15:31    4:16    2:00 
    5    14 Boakes, Paul          58:22    6:54   20:44   28:18   35:12   50:25   54:27   58:22 
            NDMR                           6:54   13:50    7:34    6:54   15:13    4:02    3:55 
    6     8 Shaw, Chris           60:48    7:17   21:46   29:44   36:50   54:04   58:33   60:48 
            HAVOC                          7:17   14:29    7:58    7:06   17:14    4:29    2:15 
    7    27 Nixon, Mark           61:31    5:56   24:44   32:11   38:45   54:05   58:15   61:31 
            SOC                            5:56   18:48    7:27    6:34   15:20    4:10    3:16 
    8    15 Smith, Robin          61:34    7:04   21:31   29:10   36:47   54:38   59:13   61:34 
            SO                             7:04   14:27    7:39    7:37   17:51    4:35    2:21 
    9    10 Pitcher, Andrew       64:40    7:15   23:14   32:08   39:53   57:00   62:11   64:40 
            DFOK                           7:15   15:59    8:54    7:45   17:07    5:11    2:29 
   10    49 Winning, Martin       65:35    7:16   21:59   30:45   39:34   57:07   62:09   65:35 
            IND                            7:16   14:43    8:46    8:49   17:33    5:02    3:26 
   11    48 Channing, P           65:39    7:19   22:42   31:34   39:36   57:18   62:18   65:39 
            SOFA                           7:19   15:23    8:52    8:02   17:42    5:00    3:21 
   12    24 Reeh, Chris           65:42    6:51   21:19   29:58   38:41   55:55   60:42   65:42 
            LSOC                           6:51   14:28    8:39    8:43   17:14    4:47    5:00 
   13    77 Hack, Chris           67:11    7:16   21:42   29:24   36:52   54:28   63:10   67:11 
            Portsmouth Joggers             7:16   14:26    7:42    7:28   17:36    8:42    4:01 
   14    47 Nixon, David          69:38    8:01   29:03   36:49   44:18   61:38   66:58   69:38 
            SOC                            8:01   21:02    7:46    7:29   17:20    5:20    2:40 
   15    59 Counsell, Johnatho    70:32   14:16   30:50   38:58   46:13   63:20   67:56   70:32 
            SN                            14:16   16:34    8:08    7:15   17:07    4:36    2:36 
   16     6 Springett, Alan       71:58    7:59   29:40   38:39   47:00   64:46   69:50   71:58 
            BKO                            7:59   21:41    8:59    8:21   17:46    5:04    2:08 
   17    74 Roberts, Brian        75:00    8:00   29:56   38:42   46:57   64:47   69:45   75:00 
            SLOW                           8:00   21:56    8:46    8:15   17:50    4:58    5:15 
   18    34 Robinson, Chris       75:14    8:32   31:06   40:52   48:55   67:16   73:04   75:14 
            SLOW                           8:32   22:34    9:46    8:03   18:21    5:48    2:10 
   19    39 Pugh, Tim             76:10    8:31   31:11   41:01   49:28   68:20   73:45   76:10 
            GO                             8:31   22:40    9:50    8:27   18:52    5:25    2:25 
   20     2 Hooper, Les           76:36    8:24   30:35   41:08   49:51   68:49   74:24   76:36 
            SO                             8:24   22:11   10:33    8:43   18:58    5:35    2:12 
   21     5 Hooper, Anna          76:37    8:23   30:34   41:12   49:53   68:54   74:27   76:37 
            SO                             8:23   22:11   10:38    8:41   19:01    5:33    2:10 
   22    19 Weston, R             77:31    8:05   31:00   39:59   48:49   67:42   74:44   77:31 
            SLOW                           8:05   22:55    8:59    8:50   18:53    7:02    2:47 
   23    45 Thomas, Jennifer      78:53    8:46   32:50   42:18   51:04   70:21   76:28   78:53 
            SLOW                           8:46   24:04    9:28    8:46   19:17    6:07    2:25 
   24    31 Girliing, Clive       79:18    8:34   31:43   40:56   50:25   70:36   76:16   79:18 
            TVOC                           8:34   23:09    9:13    9:29   20:11    5:40    3:02 
   24    61 Canham, Paul          79:18    8:32   31:39   40:50   50:24   70:34   76:18   79:18 
            SLOW                           8:32   23:07    9:11    9:34   20:10    5:44    3:00 
   26    54 Prieto, Julian        79:20    8:33   31:45   41:10   50:28   70:27   76:25   79:20 
            IND                            8:33   23:12    9:25    9:18   19:59    5:58    2:55 
   27    20 Pennington, Amy       81:26    8:06   31:05   41:18   49:58   69:33   75:50   81:26 
            SOC                            8:06   22:59   10:13    8:40   19:35    6:17    5:36 
   28    67 Catmur, Ginny         85:12    9:29   34:40   45:45   55:30   76:46   82:41   85:12 
            SLOW                           9:29   25:11   11:05    9:45   21:16    5:55    2:31 
   29    13 Doyle, Toby           90:33    9:17   35:15   47:06   59:19   81:39   87:49   90:33 
            GO                             9:17   25:58   11:51   12:13   22:20    6:10    2:44 
   30    37 Buckle, Martine       94:08    9:33   35:23   46:36   58:06   80:25   86:55   94:08 
            MV                             9:33   25:50   11:13   11:30   22:19    6:30    7:13 
   31    11 Hingley, Angela       94:19    8:35   34:00   45:28   55:29   83:27   90:33   94:19 
            GO                             8:35   25:25   11:28   10:01   27:58    7:06    3:46 

          4 Bush, S                  mp    7:03   21:25   29:41   36:32   54:25   -----   63:38 
            NDMR                           7:03   14:22    8:16    6:51   17:53            9:13 
         65 Carlill, C               mp   16:19   -----   75:35   -----  124:15  132:20  144:03           57:28 
            SLOW                          16:19           59:16           48:40    8:05   11:43            *110 

[Back to top]

Medium "B" 11 mile Hill Race

Medium 11 Miles  (55)            18.200 km   8 C                   
                                         1(102)  2(103)  3(104)  4(105)  5(109)  6(110)  7(111)  8(112)       F 

    1    68 Weir, Andy            65:54    5:13   18:41   24:10   34:58   41:22   49:22   61:08   64:16   65:54 
            THH                            5:13   13:28    5:29   10:48    6:24    8:00   11:46    3:08    1:38 
    2    88 Beecham, Chris        71:28    5:18   19:33   25:25   37:13   44:03   52:56   66:16   69:53   71:28 
            Highgate                       5:18   14:15    5:52   11:48    6:50    8:53   13:20    3:37    1:35 
    3    42 Symons, David         71:32    5:47   20:47   26:53   39:16   45:41   54:19   66:51   70:02   71:32 
            THH                            5:47   15:00    6:06   12:23    6:25    8:38   12:32    3:11    1:30 
    4    38 Bunn, Nigel           71:46    5:32   20:49   26:59   39:05   45:39   54:18   66:56   70:17   71:46 
            TVOC                           5:32   15:17    6:10   12:06    6:34    8:39   12:38    3:21    1:29 
    5    52 Leitch, Kenny         72:49    5:38   20:50   27:05   38:58   45:51   54:32   67:38   71:11   72:49 
            SO                             5:38   15:12    6:15   11:53    6:53    8:41   13:06    3:33    1:38 
    6    73 Keeble, Paul          73:30    5:41   21:07   27:18   39:14   45:56   54:42   67:52   71:28   73:30 
            SN                             5:41   15:26    6:11   11:56    6:42    8:46   13:10    3:36    2:02 
    7    66 Catmur, Ed            75:46    5:40   21:08   27:19   39:34   47:01   56:13   70:19   73:56   75:46 
            SLOW                           5:40   15:28    6:11   12:15    7:27    9:12   14:06    3:37    1:50 
    8    87 Kennis, Alistair      77:02    6:01   21:33   27:48   41:08   48:58   58:15   71:45   75:14   77:02 
            IND                            6:01   15:32    6:15   13:20    7:50    9:17   13:30    3:29    1:48 
    9    75 Williams, Justin      78:12    5:57   22:35   29:11   41:58   49:16   58:32   72:43   76:29   78:12 
            SN                             5:57   16:38    6:36   12:47    7:18    9:16   14:11    3:46    1:43 
   10    16 Powell, Ifor          79:42    5:52   22:40   29:32   44:20   51:13   61:10   74:18   78:09   79:42 
            Westbury                       5:52   16:48    6:52   14:48    6:53    9:57   13:08    3:51    1:33 
   11    85 Weetman,              79:53    5:50   22:13   28:35   44:05   51:11   60:30   74:21   78:07   79:53           77:33 
            IND                            5:50   16:23    6:22   15:30    7:06    9:19   13:51    3:46    1:46            *124 
   12    72 Oates, Paul           80:42    6:21   22:51   29:36   43:54   51:10   60:28   74:33   78:27   80:42 
            CROC                           6:21   16:30    6:45   14:18    7:16    9:18   14:05    3:54    2:15 
   13    76 Farmery, Mike         80:49    6:17   22:16   28:48   43:53   51:09   60:41   75:05   78:53   80:49 
            THH                            6:17   15:59    6:32   15:05    7:16    9:32   14:24    3:48    1:56 
   14    32 Jones, Andy           81:26    6:18   22:47   29:35   43:17   51:07   60:39   74:52   79:11   81:26 
            SLOW                           6:18   16:29    6:48   13:42    7:50    9:32   14:13    4:19    2:15 
   15    51 Bush, Nigel           83:24    6:15   23:15   30:14   44:16   52:03   62:05   77:09   81:23   83:24 
            MV                             6:15   17:00    6:59   14:02    7:47   10:02   15:04    4:14    2:01 
   16    28 Whiston, Paul         83:32    5:57   22:32   29:28   44:04   52:10   62:42   77:27   81:36   83:32 
            CROC                           5:57   16:35    6:56   14:36    8:06   10:32   14:45    4:09    1:56 
   17    83 Green, Jeff           83:49    6:27   22:41   29:06   46:26   53:20   62:43   75:55   80:11   83:49 
            CHIG                           6:27   16:14    6:25   17:20    6:54    9:23   13:12    4:16    3:38 
   18     3 Leakey, Alan          84:01    6:29   24:16   31:32   45:50   53:29   63:19   78:06   82:24   84:01 
            SLOW                           6:29   17:47    7:16   14:18    7:39    9:50   14:47    4:18    1:37 
   19    62 Hill, Walter          84:16    6:50   24:12   31:27   46:07   53:35   63:22   78:06   82:24   84:16 
            Crawley AC                     6:50   17:22    7:15   14:40    7:28    9:47   14:44    4:18    1:52 
   20    17 Dawson, David         84:39    6:22   23:32   30:32   44:07   52:08   62:49   78:22   82:30   84:39 
            CROC                           6:22   17:10    7:00   13:35    8:01   10:41   15:33    4:08    2:09 
   21    43 Irvine, Alistair      84:48    6:41   24:34   31:47   46:12   54:24   64:27   78:51   82:44   84:48 
            THH                            6:41   17:53    7:13   14:25    8:12   10:03   14:24    3:53    2:04 
   22    80 Chapman, Peter        87:01    6:14   22:35   31:19   46:05   53:58   64:23   79:56   84:39   87:01 
            SO                             6:14   16:21    8:44   14:46    7:53   10:25   15:33    4:43    2:22 
   23    35 Fisher, Dave          87:44    6:31   23:34   31:09   45:29   53:28   64:33   80:54   85:48   87:44 
            MV                             6:31   17:03    7:35   14:20    7:59   11:05   16:21    4:54    1:56 
   24    56 Pratt, John           87:59    7:02   25:07   32:43   47:03   54:51   64:58   80:49   85:54   87:59 
            LOK                            7:02   18:05    7:36   14:20    7:48   10:07   15:51    5:05    2:05 
   25    29 Wilde, Jeremy         88:13    6:41   24:50   32:33   47:32   55:34   65:57   82:01   86:32   88:13 
            GO                             6:41   18:09    7:43   14:59    8:02   10:23   16:04    4:31    1:41 
   26    22 Armitage, Jeff        89:25    7:00   25:39   33:27   48:13   56:27   67:09   82:56   87:33   89:25 
            THH                            7:00   18:39    7:48   14:46    8:14   10:42   15:47    4:37    1:52 
   27    69 Harkness, Ian         89:38    5:58   22:03   28:43   47:49   56:02   66:36   82:35   87:21   89:38 
            THH                            5:58   16:05    6:40   19:06    8:13   10:34   15:59    4:46    2:17 
   28    18 Newby, Paul           93:03    7:09   25:45   33:22   48:39   57:05   68:21   86:38   91:01   93:03 
            THH                            7:09   18:36    7:37   15:17    8:26   11:16   18:17    4:23    2:02 
   29    30 Muggeridge, Michae    93:17    6:35   25:09   32:54   48:44   57:35   69:06   86:35   90:55   93:17 
            HAVOC                          6:35   18:34    7:45   15:50    8:51   11:31   17:29    4:20    2:22 
   30    78 Murray, Roger         94:50    7:04   25:43   33:28   48:41   57:28   68:30   86:37   91:14   94:50 
            GO                             7:04   18:39    7:45   15:13    8:47   11:02   18:07    4:37    3:36 
   31    84 Verrals, Keith        94:52    6:41   25:10   33:05   48:59   57:37   68:33   86:41   91:46   94:52 
            IND                            6:41   18:29    7:55   15:54    8:38   10:56   18:08    5:05    3:06 
   32    40 Jones, Ken            95:24    6:51   25:57   33:57   49:55   58:28   69:57   88:20   93:16   95:24 
            SAX                            6:51   19:06    8:00   15:58    8:33   11:29   18:23    4:56    2:08 
   33    41 Moore, David          95:30    6:55   26:04   34:14   51:24   60:11   71:53   88:41   93:21   95:30 
            SAX                            6:55   19:09    8:10   17:10    8:47   11:42   16:48    4:40    2:09 
   34    82 Edge, Frank           95:38    6:20   24:24   32:32   47:43   55:45   67:04   87:06   92:08   95:38 
            SN                             6:20   18:04    8:08   15:11    8:02   11:19   20:02    5:02    3:30 
   35    63 Carlill, P            96:06    6:58   25:35   33:43   50:01   58:53   70:58   88:31   93:48   96:06 
            SLOW                           6:58   18:37    8:08   16:18    8:52   12:05   17:33    5:17    2:18 
   36    86 Hickling , Alan      101:13    6:23   25:51   35:17   52:22   62:00   74:43   93:17   99:01  101:13 
            SAX                            6:23   19:28    9:26   17:05    9:38   12:43   18:34    5:44    2:12 
   37     1 Capper, Mike         106:10    7:50   28:37   37:35   54:40   65:23   78:54   97:36  103:01  106:10 
            WAOC                           7:50   20:47    8:58   17:05   10:43   13:31   18:42    5:25    3:09 
   38    33 Rose, Laurie         106:49    7:40   28:58   38:21   56:12   66:05   79:35   99:31  104:37  106:49 
            BADO                           7:40   21:18    9:23   17:51    9:53   13:30   19:56    5:06    2:12 
   39    53 Parker, James        108:52    7:37   28:55   37:30   57:52   69:18   82:19   99:46  104:26  108:52 
            Crawley AC                     7:37   21:18    8:35   20:22   11:26   13:01   17:27    4:40    4:26 
   40    60 Sharp, Rob           108:55    7:40   29:07   37:45   58:04   69:20   82:24   99:46  104:28  108:55 
            Crawley AC                     7:40   21:27    8:38   20:19   11:16   13:04   17:22    4:42    4:27 
   41    64 Carmichael, Jeremy   108:57    7:38   28:56   37:35   57:31   69:22   82:26   99:48  104:26  108:57 
            Crawley AC                     7:38   21:18    8:39   19:56   11:51   13:04   17:22    4:38    4:31 
   42    58 Morgan-Giles, A      112:16    8:01   29:05   37:46   57:33   67:25   80:03  102:17  107:43  112:16 
            SN                             8:01   21:04    8:41   19:47    9:52   12:38   22:14    5:26    4:33 
   43    12 Darley, Jon          114:00    7:43   30:13   40:22   58:50   69:14   83:34  104:28  110:17  114:00 
            GO                             7:43   22:30   10:09   18:28   10:24   14:20   20:54    5:49    3:43 
   44    71 Elliott, Andy        115:39    7:54   29:57   40:17   59:22   69:37   82:52  105:24  111:51  115:39 
            CROC                           7:54   22:03   10:20   19:05   10:15   13:15   22:32    6:27    3:48 
   45    55 Johnstone, Ray       116:45    7:12   26:34   35:32   52:04   75:32   88:07  108:19  113:56  116:45 
            BKO                            7:12   19:22    8:58   16:32   23:28   12:35   20:12    5:37    2:49 
   46     9 Heselden, Roy        128:51    7:38   29:22   39:28   62:31   72:32   98:54  118:31  124:58  128:51          124:10 
            BADO                           7:38   21:44   10:06   23:03   10:01   26:22   19:37    6:27    3:53            *124 
   47    44 Cunnane, James       131:00    7:33   29:42   38:55   61:29   72:28   91:37  115:27  123:15  131:00 
            Lothian AC                     7:33   22:09    9:13   22:34   10:59   19:09   23:50    7:48    7:45 
   48    26 Dalzell, Karen       131:07    9:24   38:17   49:37   71:01   84:55  100:14  122:04  128:09  131:07 
            IND                            9:24   28:53   11:20   21:24   13:54   15:19   21:50    6:05    2:58 
   49    25 Mitchell, Neil       146:08   24:24   53:17   64:45   85:58   99:52  115:09  137:05  143:11  146:08 
            IND                           24:24   28:53   11:28   21:13   13:54   15:17   21:56    6:06    2:57 

         23 McFarlane, John          mp    6:00   22:59   30:22   -----   52:38   64:21   79:58   84:30  127:35 
            THH                            6:00   16:59    7:23           22:16   11:43   15:37    4:32   43:05 
         36 Newton, Geoff            mp    7:33   27:39   -----   53:27   62:57   74:31   90:41   95:07   97:08 
            MV                             7:33   20:06           25:48    9:30   11:34   16:10    4:26    2:01 
         50 Brett, Mick              mp    6:27   24:30   33:18   -----   -----   43:04   60:58   65:16   71:45 
            LOK                            6:27   18:03    8:48                    9:46   17:54    4:18    6:29 
         57 Cheetham, Tim            mp    8:11   31:05   40:56   63:32   -----   -----   -----   -----  253:01 
            IND                            8:11   22:54    9:51   22:36                                  189:29 
         79 Whiting, Rupert          mp    7:26   29:19   39:23   63:36   -----   -----   -----   ----- 
            IND                            7:26   21:53   10:04   24:13                                 
         81 Cork, John               mp    7:16   28:32   37:37   58:46   69:30   82:55   -----   -----  123:36 
            Oddfellows AC                  7:16   21:16    9:05   21:09   10:44   13:25                   40:41 

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Organiser's Report

This event was put on at rather short notice, as receiving land permission in late April came as something of a surprise post F&M. So particular thanks to Mike Murray, whose local knowledge (having done half the survey) gave him a head-start in planning the courses quickly. Don McKerrow agreed to be assistant organiser (I'll make sure you won't have to wait long to get the top job, Don) and that enabled me to get away with some poncing around at registration, a jog round the Green course and then toddling off to a fixtures meeting while others tidied up. The third big thank you goes to Gordon Parker for being i/c wrestling with the computer. I got as far as programming the forest units which is quite simple and fun, but was very happy for Gordon to deal with the distinctly trickier operations on the day.

Other key people were Jeremy Denny for co-ordinating the day's races and the usage of the school and the Jones family for doing everything related to the string course. And finally there was a glut of other club volunteers who ensured that everywhere was over-staffed and quite relaxed.

I hope you all are now getting familiar with SportIdent. Now that the lottery grant has come through and we've got lots of this electronic gadgetery, SLOW intend to use it at every event. See you at the next one - Reigate Priory, 15 July.

Andy Robinson

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