SLOWprint 140
JULY 2002
Sarah Brown, Christine Midgley, Diane Leakey, British W45 Winners
Club Officers 2002–2003
Chair: Chris Robinson,
: |
Secretary: Don McKerrow, : |
Ladies’ Captain: Karen Jones,
: |
Treasurer: Liz Armitage,
: |
Mapping Officer, SEOA Rep. and Fixtures Secretary: Andy Robinson, : |
Club Kit: Teresa Turner,
: |
Men’s Captain: Peter Huzan,
: |
Publicity Officer: Paul Canham, |
Social Secretary: Vicky Robb,
: |
Membership Secretary: Ginny Catmur, : |
Beginners’ Rep. and Training Officer: Heather Walton,
: |
Equipment Officer: Chris Fry,
: |
Archivist: Sue Lumas,
SLOWprint Editor: Sarah Brown,
: |
Webmaster: Andrew Trimble, : |
Copy date for Issue 141 will be September 2002. Letters, event reports, articles, cartoons, gossip, scandal, notices, small ads, court circulars, births, deaths and marriages should be posted to Sarah Brown (address above); electronic copies via e-mail are particularly welcome.
New Members: If you are new to SLOW, you might not know about ... Training: Tues. eve. (7.15 pm) training open to all, of all standards: every Tuesday at the clubhouse (Thames Hare and Hounds, Richard Evans Memorial Playing Fields, Kingston Vale); 9 pm at the ‘Robin Hood’ pub, Kingston Hill; and other venues: see the Training Diary for details.
… and Transport: we can organise lifts to events: ring any of the club’s officers, as listed above, and one of us will sort this out for you.
"The time has come for action" sums up the SLOW committee's feelings after considering the final report from the Strategy Sub-Group.
The strategy choice was presented to members in the last SLOWprint, on the website and a reminder email was sent to encourage replies. A total of 22 votes were recorded, which compares with 41 returns from the original opinion poll in December 2001. Why was there a different level of response. Maybe the topic is simply less ‘fresh’? Or was the high return in December simply due to forms being filled in at the Christmas street event? Of the votes cast, a clear but not overwhelming majority - 13 votes to 9 (59% versus 41%) - favoured Option 2 (Transformation) over Option 1 (Improvement). However, it is also clear from the free format comments that there is some apprehension about the ability of SLOW to deliver Option 2.
The Committee therefore took the view that the greatest support is for a middle path between the two options. This opinion was born out by the free-format comments made by the respondents, especially those on the lines of: "I think we should take one step at a time."
Several respondents commented on the transport issue, and therefore the Committee decided to focus on this as the 'first step'. A minibus or shared car scheme would be welcomed by several existing members. Current practice is that lifts are arranged for those who request them. A notice to this effect appears in every issue of SLOWprint. However, the take up is low. A more pro-active approach is therefore being investigated. Right now discussions are taking place with ULOC over shared transport, minibus or cars. Also the views of those without their own transport are being sought.
If this is you: SLOW member; loves orienteering; no transport; seeks like-minded to share travel to events - please contact me to let me know: where do you live?; where can you get to on a Sunday morning eg Clapham Junction? Wimbledon? ; how early you are prepared to get up?; and can you drive a minibus?
Once we have got a feel for what's wanted, the club will try to provide it. This may well mean SLOW subsidising the hire of a minibus.
Many improvements to 'the event experience' are already underway, as Andy Morrison noted in the last SLOWprint. SLOW's events in the last year have been thoughtfully organised and have attracted a healthy turn-out. We are making some subtle changes eg a varied Tuesday training programme; more inclusive event flyers avoiding the jargon which mystifies beginners (no more Badge events for SLOW !); improved signing so passers by know what's going on; instant results and slick prize giving ceremonies. We will continue to implement these changes.
On the club's behalf I would like to say a big thank you to Andy Morrison for leading us through this strategic development over the last nine months. Also to James Robertson and Heather Walton, the other two members of the Strategy Sub-Group. The process was new to most of the Committee and Andy has guided us in a firm but understanding manner.
This is not the end, however. It is only the beginning. The first step is now being taken. There will be more to follow.
Chris Robinson (Chair)
From the Membership Secretary - July 2002
Welcome to the following new members:
Owen Lindsell (M21): 15 Plato Road, London SW2 5UP; tel. (h) 020 7326 1002; (w) 020 7478 6762; (mob) 07748 653668; e-mail
Turner Family: Ruth (W40), Andrew (M10), Patrick (M45): 29 Merrow Chase, Guildford, Surrey GU1 2RE; tel. (h) 01483 535680; (w) 01483 273951; (mob) 07876 591215; e-mail
Changes of address:
Jeff, Liz, Lucy and Matthew Armitage: 54 Bradstock Road, Stoneleigh, Epsom, Surrey KT17 2LQ; tel.: 020 8394 0184; e-mail unchanged
Paul and Alison Szarvas: 55 Robin Hood Road, Knaphill, Woking, Surrey GU21 2NA; tel. 01483 472682, 07984 003282; e-mail unchanged
From Anna
I would like to thank you for all the help you have given me. I also hope that I'll see you and the other Slowies in the future on some competitions either here in the UK or in Sweden (or somewhere else!). If you ever will plan a trip to Sweden with the club, or family, I'm glad to help you.
This is my address in Sweden: Anna Tarandi, Manvagen 10, 181 33 Lidingo, Sweden.
When: AUGUST 26th
After the SE Score Champs
See the back page!
I hope you have enjoyed the series of orienteering events on Tuesday evenings. Many thanks to Alan for planning both the Wimbledon Trail on 12th June and the Duo on 9th July and also to Andy Robbo for organising the Trail. Results for both events are on the website. Well done to AJ, 6th on the long trail and to Chris Midge 4th on the short trail. At the DuO, Di Leakey was top SLOWie (5th) and well done to Charlie Whetham our top newcomer SLOW member in 8th place. It has also been good to share the series with CROC and Mole Valley. We also had a few beginners at our coaching day on Blackheath in early June.
There are a few more events to come. Mike Garvin’s Clue-O on Battersea is imminent and close on its heels a loop race from the Windmill on Wimbledon Common on Tuesday 30th July. Please contact Pete Huzan (e-mail below) if you want to go. And we hope to catch the last of the light with a final summer O-race on Richmond Park on 13th August (complete with real controls if we get land permission). The rest of the time we will be running from the Thames Hare and Hounds Clubhouse (start 7.15 for 7.30pm). Please note that the Robin Hood Pub on Kingston Hill will be 3rd week August. The hunt is on for an alternative pub, probab7ly the Telegraph on Putney Heath. Watch out for more details (e-mail and website.)
As there may still be a glimmering of light to keep us off the roads, I have not arranged any street events this time but would appreciate any volunteers for putting on a street event from October onwards. So here is the schedule:
30th July Wimbledon Common. Haggaby style loop race from the Windmill, off Parkside near Wimbledon Village. GR TQ231725. Start 7.30pm. Changing facilities available at the clubhouse but allow plenty of time to cross to the far side of the Common. Contact a week or so in advance so that there will be a pre-marked map for you.
6th August Some will be in the Lake District at the Lakeland 5 days so a simple run from the clubhouse.
13th August. A final summer orienteering race in Richmond Park, probably from Kingston Gate. Look out for further details on the website and by e-mail nearer the time.
20th August Terrain run Richmond Park
27th August Terrain run Richmond Park
3 September Hill intervals Broomfield Hill (on the grass if light enough)
10 September Straight run
17 September Hill intervals Ballet School Hill
24 September Straight run
Looking further ahead, I am thinking of organising a coaching weekend in the Autumn. These used to be a regular SLOW fixture years ago but as the membership has changed somewhat since then, I’d like feedback from current members on what they would like to do. I’m keen to encourage newcomers and juniors in particular to let me know their views. A questionnaire is enclosed. Please return to me by 12th August 2002.
I hope all that training has paid off for those summer orienteering holidays… Enjoy your summer.
Heather Walton
Training Officer
You’ll read elsewhere about the North Downs Way Relay & Bob Graham Round Relay, both very good ‘team spirit’ events. Watch out for similar things next summer, including a possible return match with Eden Valley Runners coming down from the Lake District for the North Downs Way!
Coming up …..
Harvester Night & Day Relays (Dipton, Northumberland, 31st August 2002)
This annual event has its usual format this year. The A race (7 laps, start 2am) has legs (km): 7.5, 7.5, 4, 11 (all night), 7.5 (night/day), 5, 12 (day). The B race (5 laps, start 2.30am) has legs: 5, 3, 7.5 (night), 4 (night/day), 7.5 (day). You will notice that there is quite a variety of leg lengths.
SLOW normally enters teams in the A handicap (max 49 points), B handicap (max 29 points), and B women’s handicap (max 26 points). And also a B open.
The handicap scores per age group are:
4/ 6/ 8/ 9/10/ 9/ 8/ 7/ 6/ 5/ 4 (men)
3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 6/ 5/ 4/ 3/ 2/ 1 (women)
We may hire a coach if there is sufficient demand. So PLEASE say you are prepared to go on a coach leaving South West London on Saturday morning, coming back on Sunday. It can be a sociable way of going up (bridge games etc?!), and an opportunity to catch up on sleep on the way back!
All are welcome, though of course we need people game enough to do the night legs (we can do a night training run beforehand if you like). If you want to come along to the Harvester, please tell me by 4th August with a cheque for £10 payable to SLOW. As usual, the club will pay the fees for juniors (M/W20-) and full-time students.
Fat Pigs Catering will be there from 6pm for evening meals, breakfasts etc. Sunrise is at 6.14am! Sport-Ident will be used.
South-East Relays (Bagshot, 23rd June 2002)
The day after we came second in the North Downs Way Relay by 15 seconds, we came first in the South-East Relays Handicap by 13 seconds! We had 8 teams in the Handicap competition and they all came in the top 12 - that’s good strength in depth.
Well done to the winning team of Charles Bromley-Gardner, Sarah Brown and Tom Fry. The third-placed team was Christine Robinson, Timo Teinila (his last team run before going back to Finland) and Pete Huzan. The fourth-placed team was Andy Robinson, Andy Jones and Karen Jones.
We had two junior teams running out of seven teams overall. Our first team was Michael May, James McMillan and Ralph Street. Our second team was Anna Steinitz, Robert Jones and Charles McMillan. Unfortunately the first team blew up in a very fast moving race for first place against Guildford. But whatever happens, all this is very good experience for relay events in the future. And everyone seemed to cope afterwards. The second team were anchored to 4th place by Charles running in his second ever relay event - but he was a veteran compared to his two team mates who were running in a relay for the first time! Everyone enjoyed themselves and hopefully are looking forward to their next relays.
Particularly noteworthy performances at the relays were from Charlie Whetham on Blue, who only started orienteering this year, and is probably better than me by the time you read this! And Michael May had a flier on the first leg of the junior race to come back in first place.
We continue to have more people doing their first relay event for SLOW - and they all enjoyed it! So a big “welcome” to Charlie Whetham, Jackie Steinitz, Anna Steinitz & Robert Jones.
Coming up…..
Venice Street Event (Italy, 10th November)
Not quite a team event - but it sounds good. This is an amazing annual street event around the canals of Venice. There might be an elite invitational race on the Saturday as well. There are cheap flights with Ryanair (www. from Stansted from around £40 upwards. There are courses for all age groups (even kids). Please let me know if you want more information.
Best wishes
Where: WIMBLEDON When: AUGUST 26th After the SE Score Champs See the back page! |
The Wimbledon Trail Challenge - how was it for you?
Pretty d*** good, actually. OK, so I know I wrote in the last mag that we set a target of 200 runners for this. And how many did we get? 41.
Disappointed? Not a bit of it. Besides knowing that 200 was wildly optimistic, we soon accepted that the publicity for this had been nobbled by:
· starting late
· clashing with the Tour of Epsom
· the inability of many local running clubs to keep up-to-date contact details on their web-site - an annoying number of bounced e-mails!
And the 41 that were there were all really keen and enthusiastic. Less than a quarter were regular orienteers, which was about the right ratio in terms of giving the newcomers someone to follow. A good time was had by all, although I'm not sure about that woman who was out for 2 hours.
This was shown by the turn-out at our first follow-up Tuesday - Alan Leakey's "DuO" - when he was quite overrun by people wanting maps. 45 on a Tuesday evening! - many of whom having their first follow-up to the Trail Challenge. Great stuff!
Where do we go from here?
1) Hold it again - annually, maybe a winter one too.
2) Get a longer publicity run-up (Runners World listing etc)
3) There's definitely a demand for an easier version of O. Most regulars are now pretty skilled, and that can be off-putting to occasionals and newcomers. It's given us something to think about for all aspects of the fixtures programme.
Now what else has been fixed recently?
14 July. Frolic. Putney Heath. Kate Thomas planned, Kay and Jeremy Denny organised, David May controlled and Gavin did his usual whizzo computer job. Attendance was good, with more than usual on the shorter courses as there were many scouts trying to get their orienteering badge. Kate had done a really good job in getting that one off the ground.
What now needs fixing?
26 August. South-East Score Champs. Wimbledon. The heavy mob had to be sent in here and that resulted in Gavin becoming planner and Chris the Chair organiser. Both now require their arms untwisting. Given that enough of you through the year toddle off to events, all of which are staged by volunteers, I think a bit more volunteering from you the membership might be in order. Chances to redeem yourself are by helping on the day here or either of the next two items.
15 December. OK Nuts Trophy. Hankley Common. Charlie Turner is organising; Chris Fry is planning; Peter Huzan is doing the entries, and Tim Pugh of Guildford is the controller. Nick Nourse has been booked as professional mapper. No doubt Charlie will be recruiting some team leaders shortly.
2 March 2003. Holmwood Common. Club event with the full range of colour-coded courses (note new terminology). Officials needed. Professional map will be done late this year.
and just in case that lot isn't enough of a fix, try this one for size.
I suspect most of you have been brought up with the notion that when world class orienteering comes to the U.K. some gnome toddles off to the most obscure and inaccessible part of Scotland, and declares that the races must be held there because nobody has orienteered there before.
That may well have been the case, but not any more. The new thinking is for media and spectator friendly races as the way to promote the sport on the world stage. It should at least give us a better chance of getting sponsorship and (hold your breath) television coverage - well I did say 'chance'.
It's all going to happen in May 2005 and the first meetings to get the project off the ground have already taken place. At this early stage anyone who shows an interest is welcome to be involved, and particularly welcome would be:
· people with sponsorship and grant raising expertise.
· people with media and publicity savvy.
· anyone who can think of great event centres next to passable O areas.
This one will run and run. I'll keep you posted.
and finally...
You may have seen that there's been a lot of publicity for some 10km races in Richmond Park on 22 September. It seems this will involve 20,000 runners from Paula Radcliffe downwards. So can we take it that 200 people orienteering in the Park is perfectly OK then? The next Trail Challenge perhaps?
Andy Robinson
P.S. Does anyone have some super-glue for collar bones?
North Downs Way Relay
22nd June 2002
The event this year was graced by six competing teams, although only two could boast to be from single clubs. SLOW and Canterbury Harriers fielded full sides, whilst Havoc combined with Saxons, Loose Valley with Tadworth AC (although Loose provided 13 runners), CROC with LOK, GO with MV and assorted other members.
The question of first claim and club affiliation rarely troubles anyone and this year was no different. Also it was agreed not to penalise teams fielding the same runner on consecutive legs (reverting to a past agreement). Several teams used this option including SLOW, but more of that later.
Our team seemed pretty good, the LOK/CROC team appeared quite strong and Canterbury Harriers were expected to challenge strongly too. As Andy Robinson noted the race is often won by the team that returns good 3rd, 4th and 5th places on legs that you aren’t going to win.
The lead passed from GO/MV to Canterbury after leg 2, despite the Canterbury man losing his way several times, then to SLOW after leg 4. Then Canterbury re-gained first position after leg 6 and conceded it back to SLOW at leg 10. After that CROC/LOK stepped in with some good times and held the lead for the rest of the race.
Those are the bald facts. In fact the run was only lost to CROC/LOK by 15 seconds after nearly 17 hours of running time. It isn’t new for SLOW to miss a target by just a few seconds - when we were striving for the record in (which we do hold) a similar situation occurred, missing by about 30 seconds one year. Of course it prompts much thought with each runner wondering if they could have found “another second”. Palpably of course we could but it isn’t really the point, as it applies to everyone competing across all the teams.
The SLOW team ran very well, and whilst it is invidious to single out individuals I will do so. Firstly Charles Bromley-Gardner who ran consecutive legs, and won both of them, stepping into the breach on the day when our leg 6 runner fell ill. Then Karen Jones who ran the last leg knowing we had to make up 6 minutes on CROC/LOK - she gave it her all but the deficit was just too great - hence that 15 seconds.
Many thanks to all the team members for competing and to spectators along the way. There were some excellent runs from the SLOW team as the chart below will exemplify.
Canterbury might have featured more strongly, but poor navigation on several legs scotched their chances. Loose improve their position this year, and for GO/MV, Havoc/Sax it is good to see them competing each year despite the struggle to bind a team together.
We look forward to next year when we will be keen to regain the trophy. My thanks to Andy Robinson for his help and advice (which I might have taken more often!) throughout the long day.
Results are below:
1. CROC/LOK 16:45:49
2. SLOW 16:46:04
3. Canterbury Harriers 17:40:44
4. Loose Valley/TAC 17:43:46
5. Havoc/Saxons 18:15:45
6. GO/Mole Valley 18:32:51
CROC/LOK hold the David Earle trophy kindly awarded by HAVOC
Leg |
SLOW runner |
Win time |
SLOW time |
Leg pos’n |
O’all Pos’n |
tot slow time |
tot win time |
Dover |
Dick Clark |
60:09 |
63:15 |
4 |
4 |
1:03:15 |
1:00:09 G |
Castle Hill |
Andy Robinson |
67:40 |
71:48 |
3 |
4 |
2:15:03 |
2:08:32 C |
Stowting |
Chris Owen |
56:49 |
60:06 |
4 |
3 |
3:15:09 |
3:06:20 C |
Wye |
Charles B-G |
44:49 |
44:49 |
1 |
1 |
3:59:58 |
3:59:58 |
Charing |
Charles B-G |
61:14 |
61:14 |
1 |
1 |
5:01:12 |
5:01:12 |
Hollingbourne |
Mike Farmery |
87:34 |
92:00 |
4 |
2 |
6:33:52 |
6:32:19 C |
Bluebell Hill |
Marie Bukvova |
36:31 |
43:02 |
4 |
2 |
7:16:34 |
7:08:50 C |
Medway West |
Franck Bukvova |
67:54 |
80:01 |
5 |
2 |
8:36:25 |
8:22:43 C |
Vigo Inn |
Mike Murray |
73:01 |
78:37 |
4 |
2 |
9:55:12 |
9:41:27 C |
Dunton Green |
Alistair Irvine |
49:04 |
49:04 |
1 |
1 |
10:44:16 |
10:44:16 |
Betsom Hill |
Peter Huzan |
57:47 |
66:20 |
4 |
2 |
11:50:36 |
11:44:42 CL |
A22 Bridge |
Jeff Armitage |
49:30 |
53:58 |
3 |
2 |
12:44:34 |
12:35:56 CL |
Reigate Hill |
Mike Garvin |
60:19 |
64:59 |
4 |
2 |
13:49:33 |
13:36:15 CL |
Step Stones |
John Dowty |
68:02 |
72:08 |
2 |
2 |
15:01:41 |
14:53:48 CL |
Newlands Cnr |
Andy Jones |
50:34 |
54:54 |
3 |
2 |
15:56:35 |
15:50:40 CL |
Puttenham |
Karen Jones |
46:25 |
49:29 |
2 |
2 |
16:46:04 |
16:45:49 CL |
10 pm on Friday 12th July and various cars start to arrive at the medieval castle that was our base for the weekend’s excesses. Only the early birds get a four-poster bed - the rest find ample floor space in Robin and Ali’s marvellous home. Not that Pete Huzan and Andy Robinson would spend much time asleep as they started the relay from Moot Hall (about 88 m above sea level) in the centre of Keswick at 2 am. The route took them across the northern fells, including Skiddaw (931 m) and Blencathra/Saddleback (868 m) before dropping back down to Threkeld (147 m) 4 hours later to hand over to Dick Clark and David Finch. At least that was the plan until Andy slipped coming down off Blencathra and broke his collarbone. Bravely he carried on, with each downward step jarring the broken bones, in order to complete the stage, for the whole route had to be covered by pairs of runners. Andy was our expert: having previously completed a solo effort (42 tops over 74 miles and 9,500 m of climb, all within 24 hours) he knew the best routes and was planned to join in on parts of two further legs. Would the rest of us still succeed?
Within 3 km Dick and David had completed their first climb up Clough Head (726 m). This was the prelude to over 10 km of remorseless as- and descending, peaking at Helvellyn (949 m) before dropping down to Grisedale Tarn (540 m), where Chris Owen and Mark Vyvyan-Robinson had a quick 450 m of climbing and 800 m of descent within 4½ km. Evading the traffic speeding on the A591 past the perfect reflection on Thirlmere they were still in great shape at the next handover. Madelaine Watson led Charles Bromley Gardner up Dunmail Raise past her cheering supporters (family) and on to the fells above Langdale. Behaving as a true gentleman, Charles let her set the pace and took full responsibility for almost missing one of the minor tops - ironically called Sergeant Man, which provided the first spectacular views. The clambers up the Langdale Pikes (Harrison and Pike of Stickle (711 m)) at around midday were shared with normal walkers and their dogs. The sun was still shining as the next handover was approached. Now this was where Andy’s injury was most keenly felt. Pete turned up to accompany Charles up Bowfell (902 m), but neither knew the straight route between the crags and met up (eventually) in the wrong place. Pete’s 450 m climb up Rossett Gill wasn’t the best preparation either, so the fight left them on the rocky ground. A bit later on Pete handed over to Vicky Robb and Keira Vyvyan-Robinson, who discovered why the main footpath skirted Broad Crag (940 m), which was one large boulder field. (It was here that competitors in the Wasdale Fell Race (21 miles and 3000 m of climb) showed us what softie southerners we really were). All four peaked at Scafell Pike (977 m) and Pete and Charles wondered how to get onto Scafell (964 m): would it be a ropeless climb up Broad Stand or the long way round through Lord’s Rake, a scramble up and down scree. Both were into the unknown. Seeing someone nearly fall off the bottom of Broad Stand made the decision easy, however the problem with scrambles up is that it is so much more dangerous to get down again. Thankfully a route was found safely and an impressively rapid descent down to Wasdale (100 m) followed. The clock did not lie though and 7 hours was way behind schedule; thankfully Mike Garvin and David Roach had grown tired of waiting and had set off early. An adductor cramp crippled Charles and forced him to lie full stretch in the stream, getting out before any photographic evidence of an addled brain could be obtained.
Mike and David had had too long to view the direct route up Yewbarrow (627 m) and so took the gentler option. It was probably a good decision with the climb ahead of them over three 800 m tops, including Pillar (892 m). At Black Sail Pass (550 m) they handed over to Chris and Mark, the renowned climbers, for their second stint, straight up Kirk Fell (802 m), back down to 650 m and up to Great Gable (899 m) all within 2½ km. Meanwhile the remainder were driving like fury to get round to Honister Pass for the final leg - 8km for a crow, 60 km by road.
By now we were running out of fresh legs. Various plans had been hatched by different people, all with impeccable logic volunteering others for the last climb but happy to take the glory run on the flat road home to Keswick. The heroes of the hour were David Finch and particularly Jerry Watson, who for some reason had a pair of running shoes with him, even though he was only supposed to be child minding. As they were road-running shoes perhaps the descent was faster than the ascent. Coming off the hills Dick Clark and Charles Bromley Gardner queued up to relieve the heroes, but Jerry could not be stopped and with Dick almost outran the support cars. What a relief to run on the flat hard tarmac again! We were all there, just in time, to cheer ourselves onto the finish at Moot Hall as the light faded. The euphoria continued into the party laid on by Robin and Ali, until some one noticed that it was a quarter to one (am) and the lights went out very quickly.
We did succeed: I’ve not seen the full timings, but a quick estimate suggested that it had taken us 22 hours. Hats off to any-one, let alone those over 60 (and one 13) year olds who have covered the whole route in 24 hours (Billy Bland’s record is 13 hrs 53 mins). Thank you Captain Pete for organizing and deepest gratitude to Robin and Ali for providing Base Camp and much support and hospitality. Here’s to the next time - there’s a great challenge out there for any and everyone.
Runners beat Orienteers at their own game!
Wednesday 12th June and just another pleasant early summer's evening on Wimbledon Common. For some maybe; for others, the inaugural Wimbledon Trail Challenge was about to kick-off. This was SLOW's contribution to BOF's NOW Week initiative.
In the spirit of NOW week we were hoping to attract people who would be new to our sport. We chose to target members of running clubs within a 15 mile radius of Wimbledon, a list that comprised some 25 local groups. Clubs were contacted individually and invited to enter teams.
Two courses were set, one at 8k and the other 5k, on well defined (well muddy!) tracks and trails around the common. Competitors were given their maps a few minutes before the start to allow for some advance planning then were set off in a mass start. Some 45 runners took part of whom close to 50% were runners either new, or lapsed, orienteers.
The longer course was won by Duncan Burbidge of Highgate Harriers and the shorter course by Chris Hutber of Thames Hare & Hounds.
What went well?
Presented as a trial race that involved an element of route choice, it appealed to a broad cross section of road and off-road runner. The format was enjoyed by most with one new member joining SLOW immediately.
Lessons learnt?
We began both organisation and promotion too late to create any substantial momentum and in haste created a flyer that may have reduced individual entries by emphasising the club/team element of the competition.
Would we do it again?
The format appears to have good potential and will probably find a regular place in the SLOW fixtures list in the coming years. Paul Canham
Edward Catmur represents GB at JWOC
Ginny decided that the only way to get a report out of Edward about JWOC was interview him herself.
What is JWOC?
‘Junior World Orienteering Championships’, held annually, this year in Alicante, Spain.
What led to your being selected to represent Great Britain?
A couple of good results in the JK and BUSA (British Universities Sports Association) and then a fluke win in M20E at the British Champs. in Northern Ireland.
When did the training for JWOC start, and what form did it take?
We went on a training tour to Spain in August last year, to get a feel for the conditions, then Portugal in February 2002.
What other training do you do?
I’m a member of the GB Junior Squad, so I’ve also been on regular training camps to Norway, Denmark, the Lake District, Scotland, etc. I train regularly with my university orienteering and cross-country clubs, and with SLOW and Thames Hare and Hounds when I’m at home. I generally compete, run or work out six days a week.
Who made up the GB team at JWOC?
Me, Euan McCarthy, Nick Morgan, Graham Gristwood, Ian Nixon, Matthew Speake, Becky Kingdon, Vicky Brocklebank, Fiona Berrow and Laura Daniel; Jason Inman and Chris Poole (managers), Andy Monro (doctor), Jill Cannon (physio).
How did you travel to Spain?
We were meant to meet at a youth hostel near Loughborough the evening before flying out from East Midlands airport. Somehow I managed to confuse the days and arrived at Leicester station at 10 pm 24 hours early, with no one to meet me and nowhere to go! We did all meet up the next day and arrived in Spain five days before the competition started, in order to train and acclimatise.
What were the main training considerations during this time?
The big issue was the heat, and the danger of dehydration. Some of us trained with ‘Platypus’ water carriers.
How many races were there?
Short Race Qualifier, Short Race Final, Classic, Relay.
How did you and the rest of the team get on?
Short Race Qualifier: I had a tough heat and failed to qualify for the ‘A’ Final by less than a minute. (In the other heats my time would have qualified.) Speakey did well - 9th.
Classic: Not good.
Relays: I was in the ‘B’ team - we finished 16th (3rd best ‘B’ team!). Our men’s ‘A’ team came 12th.
Who won?
JWOCs are renowned for the opportunities for socialising. What was this one like?
Yes, OK. Good party on the last day. The GB men dressed in Ninja shirts, the girls wore the Union Jack. Many instances of improvements in international relations, though perhaps not on a permanent basis. My contribution was a team booklet with suggestive photos and captions.
Did you enjoy JWOC?
Best moment?
My Relay run - I brought the team up from 32nd to 20th place.
Worst moment?
Screwing up the Classic - I lost 55 places on a single leg, the 4th to last control, less than 1 km from the Finish.
What’s your next orienteering aim?
(1) To win the men’s individual race in next year’s Oxford vs. Cambridge match; (2) to represent GB in the World Student Orienteering Championships.
Edward Catmur has been a member of SLOW since 1995 and is Information Officer for Oxford University Orienteering Club.
For the last seven years Ralph has been in the same class at school as Noah. For some devoted SLOWprint readers being a junior chess international, which Noah is, is of little interest, but being the son of someone who earned their living through running, which Noah also is, is pretty special. His father Dan, who is now an artist, ran 2:11 something in the Boston Marathon, and collected prizes in New York and Tokyo to name but two.
Over the years I've occasionally been out running in Richmond Park with Dan. He runs very well, especially uphill. These days I just send him off and see him again at the top, but in the early days, when I was more able, I would try and stay with him on one hill in the run. It was always useful to have a short question needing a long answer, such as "So what was Athletics West?" enquiring after some fancy looking kit he would be wearing.
So I know that, when he was a professional runner, he used to be overflowed with running kit, tracksuits, sweatshirts and shoes from all manner of people. Different kit for different occasions.
He never needed to wear anything that didn't have a logo on. He could compete, train and indeed live in the stuff. (He thinks back fondly to those days now he buys things like the rest of us.)
I was reminded of Dan's comments as I helped Ralph sort his room recently. A large drawer is packed with orienteering kit, usually labelled discreetly with a sponsor's name, typically "Catmur" or "May" but also "Turner" and "Fry". There is an old design SLOW O-suit, two SLOW sweat-tops (OK so one is probably Greg's), a new SLOW O-suit, some logo t-shirts and sweattops from past events, a LONDON shirt from his former club (Klubb.) There are coloured socks. There's special o-kit in eye-catching designs and patterned running tights - a far cry from my early days when sober camouflage was de-rigeur. And now there is a set of "SEJS" stuff too: a suit, a t-shirt and a sweat-top. He probably has more kit now than Mike Murray's owned in his life.
So this is just to say thankyou to all his sponsors. The kit is much appreciated even if it only gets occasional use due to the need to wear the right thing at the right time. Ralph and Noah are now moving to different secondary schools, and are growing and changing all the time. But our sponsors can rest assured that after good service here, your kit will in turn be used to sponsor the next generation of juniors. Jones brothers on alert: We have your ages in our database already!
Non Orienteering Events:
17th August Adventure Race.Bracknell morning One-day adventure race for mixed teams of 3 Trail running, navigation & mountain biking Duration up to 5 hours. Expensive (£99/ team) but different.
18th August MABAC 11am Pairs Relays & BBQ. Downsend School, Leatherhead. Two
runners alternate, running 1km laps (total 5km each).
15th Sept MABAC 11am Peaslake.
You are strongly urged to confirm these events using the following answerphone services. The SEOA website has links to SE clubs and other regions.
SEOA (020-8948-6056):
(SCOA (0118-946-4354) (Army (01256-883265) (SO (01903-239186)
(SAX (01303-813344) (MV (01372-279295)
24-Aug-02 |
White Rose, Yorkshire |
01904 767677 |
25-Aug-02 |
26-Aug-02 |
SE Score Ch |
Wimbledon |
See below |
31-Aug-02 |
01-Sep-02 |
CC |
01-Sep-02 |
SO |
Try-O |
Devils Dyke, Brighton |
07-Sep-02 |
SO |
Try-O |
Houghton Forest Arundel |
07-Sep-02 |
HH |
Try-O |
Croxley Moor |
TQ 097954 |
020 8723 0134 |
08-Sep-02 |
MV |
Try-O |
Nonsuch Park |
08-Sep-02 |
14-Sep-02 |
15-Sep-02 |
21-Sep-02 |
21-Sep-02 |
GO |
NOW 3 |
Newlands Corner |
TQ 043492 |
01428 644396 |
22-Sep-02 |
SO |
Try O & YBT |
Tulleys Farm |
22-Sep-02 |
22-Sep-02 |
28-Sep-02 |
SO |
Try-O |
Newtimber Hill, Brighton |
from 21.9 |
29-Sep-02 |
29-Sep-02 |
05-Oct-02 |
HH |
Try-O |
Balls Park, Hertford |
TL 335110 |
020 8723 0134 |
06-Oct-02 |
06-Oct-02 |
06-Oct-02 |
SO |
Badge |
Stoughton & Kingley Vale |
SU 797127 |
01243 782991 |
12-Oct-02 |
13-Oct-02 |
CC |
Abbey Wood |
TQ 474785 |
01689 829472 |
South East Inter-Club Score Championships Wimbledon Common Monday 26 August 2002
Each club's 12 top scoring runners (from different age/gender groups) count towards the club's total.
Seniors: £3.50. Juniors: £1.50. £1extra for non-BOF members. Over printed maps. Entry on the day only. Car park: £1. SI card hire: Seniors: £1. Juniors: £0.50
Registration from 9.15am at Kingston University car park. Grid ref: TQ 218725. Take the Asda exit from the A3. Nos. 85 bus linking Putney/Kingston stops close by.
Organiser: Christine Robinson Tel: 020 8255 7176. Email:
Score event - visit as many controls as you can within
• 60 mins for W/M18-55 or • 40 mins for W/M16- and W/M60+
(scores will be multiplied by 1.5 for the team competition)
Mass starts for both courses at 10.15am and 11.30am + Yellow + White colour coded courses + string Prize giving at 1.15 pm For details:
A grand day out on Wimbledon Common
Bank Holiday Monday 26 August 2002
MORNING: Score points for SLOW in the…
South East Inter-Club Score Championships The club's 12 top scoring runners (from different age/gender groups) count towards the club's total.
Also Yellow and White colour coded courses + string
See page 19 for details
SLOW picnic and games
Fun and games for all, including the world premier of
Pin the Compass on the Orienteer
plus the return of O-map Twister
Start 2.00pm approx based at the Thames Hare & Hounds Clubhouse
Food £5.00 for adults £1.00 for juniors Pay as you go 'bar'
Please let Vicky Robb know if you are coming: Tel 020 8785 7359 Email or return the slip below to Vicky Robb, 26 Balliol House, Manorfields, Putney Hill, London SW15 3LL
Bank Holiday Monday 26 August
Name |
Adult or Junior? |
Veget-arian? |
Can you help in the morning? |
Can you bring a contribution to the picnic? (you will be refunded) |
Contact Tel no or Email: |
Junior Team Competitions News from Captain Pete (Pete Huzan)Here is some information about forthcoming junior team competitions. Please let me or one of the junior coaches know if you would like to take part in these.The Yvette Baker Trophy is very suitable for EVERYONE, and was good fun last year - I hope all of you can come to this. The Peter Palmer Relays are for the more adventurous! I0’d be grateful if you let me know as soon as you can if you want to come along to either.
Yvette Baker Trophy (near Crawley, Sussex, 22nd September)
This is the same junior interclub competition as at Nonsuch Park last year. Don't forget that since everyone runs their own course separately, all of you can come along whatever your standard - maybe bring a friend or two as well. It will be a good occasion to get back into orienteering for the new season. It can also be used as a start for improving your skills for this season. Don't worry if you haven't done much the last few months as we all have to start again somewhere!
The competition rules state that YOU CAN RUN WHATEVER COURSE YOU WANT (from yellow up to green). But if you have a gold standard in the last year then you must run as follows: M/W10 - yellow, or orange, or light green, or green M/W12 - orange, or light green, or green M/W14 - light green, or green M/W16-20 - green
Note also that ALL M/W20 must run green. And also pairs can take part on the yellow or orange courses if necessary. There are 6 scoring groups (yellow, orange, light green boys, light green girls, green boys, green girls), so we probably should put people on a few different courses.
We compete against other south-east clubs. If we win this round, or come second to Southdowns (because they did well in the final last year), then we get through to the National Final on 8th December near Birmingham.
Peter Palmer Relays (Leicestershire, 7th September)
This is the junior equivalent of the Harvester Day & Night Relays. There are two races: the Open Race for teams of 8, and the Small Clubs Race for teams of 5. The age range is up to M/W18 so we probably do not have enough older juniors this year for a full SLOW team. However we can join with another club to form a non-competitive team this year. As usual, the club will pay all the entry fees. It is a good sociable occasion, with optional five-a-side football, and people who have done it before have said it’s good fun.
The Open Race has 1 yellow, 2 orange, 2 light green, 2 red and 1 green courses. The Small Clubs Race has one course of each colour. |
SLOW Frolic and beginners event. Putney Heath. July 14th. We had exactly 100 entries for this event, most of which were on the frolics (light green) course. We did also have a number of Scouts wanting to do their orienteering Badge. SLOW members had been to Scout meetings to give instruction beforehand and they all got round safely and seemed keen. The manifold commitments of the club members meant that helpers were rather thin on the ground. My thanks to all of those who worked all morning, mostly without relief. We managed to be all cleared up by the time the cricket match started! Kay Denny |