Autumn Training
You are invited to a coaching day on Sunday 19th October 2003 on White Downs, Oaken Grove section, south of Effingham. Meet at 10am at car park GR TQ114494. Terrain is gently contoured woodland with an area of complex contours. Technical exercises from white for young juniors, through yellow/orange for beginners and juniors to light green and beyond to stretch developing orienteers will be available. You can go round with somebody or talk to the coaching team afterwards. No orienteering competitions locally to distract you so you can really concentrate on perfecting those vital navigational skills. And if you are really missing the competition too much there will be a fun relay to finish after lunch (please bring your own).
Please let Heather Walton ) know if you will be coming by 12th October 2003 so that I can organise some more experienced orienteers to guide you. Let me know if there are any techniques you particularly want to practice. Any offers from volunteers to help also gratefully received. I hope to see you there, Land permission now granted.
PS Any SLOW juniors who have not yet contacted Pete about availability for the Yvette Baker Trophy Regional Round in Richmond Park on 12th October please do so ) This should be a really excellent day for juniors and participation to have a good time can get the club valuable points..