Blackdown (Haslemere), Saturday 22 February 2003


Date :                          Saturday 22/2/03


Location :                    Blackdown, south of Haselmere 


Terrain                        Mostly runnable mature coniferous forest with extensive cleared or semi-open areas. Only the most prominent earth features are mapped, with the size of mapped features depending partially on their local significance. Most vegetation boundaries are mapped as indistinct, though the edges of cleared areas are generally very obvious. There are unmapped seasonal paths in the area approaching the finish.

 Maps:                          Pre-marked. Scale 1:10,000. 5 Meters contour interval.


Car Park :                     At GR: SU923306  Sp. from Haselmere town centre   

 Please remember that car parking is extremely limited and     

 share cars if possible. We may have to block people in until the 

 event is over, so be prepared to stay 'til the end!



Courses :                      A : M Open (O)  4.25K 140 meters of climb

                                       B : W Open (WO), Veteran 45+ (V), Junior 18- (J)  3.2 K 75 meters of climb.

                 C : Junior 14- (JJ)  2.6 K 55 meters of climb (orange standard).


Late Entries:              Colin Swallow on 01932 340062 ,

or at


Start :                            Approximately 400m gentle uphill walk from car park. Allow 5-10 minutes


Finish :                          Within 100 m of car park


Start Times:                  Start times 11.00 12.00 All courses close at 13.30.


                                      Officials:        Organiser : Colin Swallow SN

                                                             Planner : Paul Fox  SN


Safety :                        All competitors must down load even if they retire. If you are travelling alone (which we hope you are not because of the parking situation) and wish to be checked out of the forest please leave your name and car keys at Registration/Download