SLOW Sport Ident (SI) software

SLOW holds the 2003 licence for the various versions of software to manage orienteering events. This licence allows any member of the club to install and use the software on their own computer or SEOA hired laptops.

Operating system is Windows 95 upwards. Please install in the order shown below, most event organisers will only the first five pieces of software (down to test printer). Click on the title of the software in the yellow box you wish to install, click on OPEN, Install (fast mode) and finally on Yes I do (licence agreement). Software is installed into a new directory called Sport Software by default.

oe100setup.exe OE2003 version 10.0 main event organisor software - badge / colour / small events - single day events competitor data and results
checkpc20setup.exe Check PC v2 Checks the registry settings of your PC
am100setup.exe Archive Manager 2003 v10.0 main archive database - can hold BOF membership data (see also BOF files below)
layoutmanager100setup.exe Layout Manager v10.0 Controls page layoutfor labels and printed results pages
testprinter10setup.exe Test printer Checks if your printer driver will print SI results correctly
cpd10setup.exe Convert Pdox Converts event data from earlier versions of OE
oescore98setup.exe OE Score organiser software for score events only
simanager98setup.exe SI Manager to program SI units with control codes and wake up times

Only OE2003 needs the licence number to run the full version of the software. Install the software, click on Settings / Licence and type in SLOW and the licence number [SLOW members contact Andrew Trimble] (or use ctrl <C> to copy the number and ctrl <V> to paste the number. If you need to refer to the licence number in the future click on Help / About


Support documents

These are Word files that will guide you through using OE2003 and SI manager (with thanks to the Marsden family - Happy Herts)

BOF membership data files (in BOF folder) - These files are csv files that hold the BOF number and SI card numbers of BOF members. The original BOF data files have been edited in order to split the first name and the surname into separate fields and then correctly load into Archive Manager.

Printer files

Web Sites

If you need any additional support on setting up or using OE2003 or SI manager please contact

Andrew Trimble

September 2003