SLOW equipment list 5th Feb 2004
Section Item Number(2004) comments
Drinks Serving Vats (25L) 3  
Drinks Carriers (25L) 7  
Drinks Mugs(2000) 1 approx
Drinks Squash 2 approx
Drinks Bin Liners 20 approx
Finish Banners 2  
Finish Staplers 10  
Finish Staples(box) 5 approx
Finish Printing Clock 1 Tag Heuer (still have old Seiko)
Finish/General Pens & markers 50 approx
Finish/General Tables (WP) 4 flimsy
Finish/General 1st aid 1  
Finish/General Tents 2 big hoop tent & old frame tent
General Staple Gun & staples 1  
General Club Banner 1  
General Info Board 1  
General Signs 50 approx
General Stationery    
General wooden stakes 50  
Parking Pointers 4  
Parking Tabards 20 approx
Planner Kites 90 includes lockables
Planner Punch-canes 270 redistributed to SI etc
Planner Lockables 20 (locks & chains)
Planner canes 100 approx
Planner control codes   many & various
Planner stencil 1  
Planner map-boards 50 approx
Planner map-bags 2000 approx
Planner radios 4  
Planner Heat-sealer 1  
Registration Control Cards(100) 6 approx
Registration clip-boards 10  
Results Tables (camping) 2 for computers
Results letter trays 10  
results inverter 1  
SI control units 103  
SI upload units 3  
SI tool sets 3 (magnet, coupling stick, stop card)
SI stakes 98 numbered 101-185, start,finish,clear, blank
SI Hire cards ?? Kept by Andy Robinson
Start Flip-Clock 2 (manual)
Start Banners 2  
Start Poly sheets 2 for master map protection
Start Clothing bags   a few
Start map-crates 24  
Start beep-clock 1  
Start/Finish Stackers 2  
Start/Finish Kitchen clocks 4 check batteries
Start/Finish Batteries 10 approx
Start/Finish radio clocks 2  
Start/Finish/General Pegs(various) 50 approx
Start/Finish/General String   lots
Start/Finish/General Tread-ins 20  
Start/Finish/General Barrier Tape (reels) 4 plus miles of loose tape
String Roll of string 1  
String Control boards 12  
Toilets Paper 20 approx
Training mini-kites 24